Teresa Rossi Passante

A young family moves from their cramped New York City apartment to a spacious new home in New England. But his is no ordinary house in the country: the previous owner was the deranged Dr. Freudstein, whose monstrous human experiments have left a legacy of bloody mayhem. Now, someone - or something - is alive in the basement, and home sweet home is about to become a horrific hell on earth.


Savino La Gastra discovers his wife Celeste has a liaison with an architect: Andrea. Even if also Savino has a story with Elvira, a judge's wife, he decides anyway to ask to a mobster to kill his wife. In the mean time Celeste is organizing a surprise party for Savino's birthday, and that day things start to get complicated. First Savino kills accidentally the mafia killer in charge to kill Celeste; second his lover Elvira arrives to the party with the judge... not to mention the police and the mafia Don...


Four bandits commit a robbery in a villa. The maid calls the police and Commissioner Carli immediately orders patrols to chase them.


"Priest - a miracle please" - The young Italian priest Don Alberto is sent to New York where he is alone and suffers the typical indifference of the metropolis. He is involved with a group of young hippies, the "angels of death" who announced their collective suicide to protest against the society that is deprived of love and victim of the system that kills everything.

A left-wing intellectual of middle age, with a past in the Italian Social Republic , after the end of the second marriage with a black woman, falls in love with a very young, girlfriend of his son, and with her he flees to the Caribbean. Once the vacation is over, love also ends. In some ways the film is an autobiography of the director.

Straccio, a young acrobat, wants to free his beloved Julia, held prisoner in the tyrant's castle. He designs a good plan, and develops it with the help of his three friends, Pietro, Bitonto, and Gatto Mammone. When he thinks he achieved both his ends - overthrowing Fregonese from power, and winning Julia's love - he finds that his countrymen cupidity for the tyrant's gold is more difficult to deal with.
