Terika Jefferson

After the internet in his apartment goes down, a man attempts to upload his short film to a film festival as the deadline quickly approaches.

An adventure about two roommates who attempt to survive 2020. This short film is a parody and love letter to the film 1917. It was written, produced, directed and edited by one person, shooting it entirely on a Fuji X-T3 with a Zhiyun Weebill-S. Due to the pandemic, 2020 took us over three months to shoot, reshoot and edit while dealing with faulty audio equipment, filming at dusk, safety regulations, scheduling conflicts, lost footage and so many more obstacles we had to literally jump over in order to make this short a reality. Honestly, it's a miracle this is being released and we hope you enjoy it. Maybe we'll get lucky and this will get us jobs because we're super unemployed. Thank you for taking the time to watch it.