Terry Bishop

Thieves disguised as soldiers plan to use a bomb scare as part of their plan to rob a bank.


A woman with extra-sensory perception has a vision of a murder.


Panic and fear overtake a small British farming community after a homicidal child-killer escapes from a local mental hospital.


An American officer scours Britain in search of his dead brother's girlfriend and becomes involved in a jewel heist.


A madman is on the loose... killing fashion models that appear on the cover of magazines. The police start a manhunt in an attempt to capture the killer.


This is the story of a lorry's solitary journey with a new propeller for a trawler laid up in a port on the rugged sea-coast of Wales. For the lorry-driver and his mate it is all in a day's work; minor mishaps are overcome on the journey from Preston through the beautiful Welsh countryside. The story ends with the trawler on its way to sea.


Seeking her long lost uncle, Ada Shore arrives at Skerryvore University to find him working under another name as the Gate Keeper. Ada is mistaken by the Principal as his new secretary so she jumps headlong into the role


An African tribe in the Eastern Nigerian village of Umana work to build a maternity hospital, with the aid of government officials, and against the opposition of some tribal members.


A Ministry of Information film, in which three women, all from one street but different class backgrounds, mysteriously congregate at one house. Their paths may rarely have crossed in pre-war society, yet the experience of war appears to have helped remove some of their class prejudices. After all, these three housewives now share a common interest, their sons all serve in the armed forces.

How Harris Tweed is made by the islanders in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland.
