Terry Molloy

Brave cast members tackle their original recipes from the 1980s official cookbook.

Doctor Who Anime is a short piece involving the Third Doctor, drawn and animated entirely in the anime style of the 1980s (ala Bubblegum Crisis, Macross, etc.) by artist Paul "OtaKing" Johnson. As the entire project (background art and hundreds of frames worth of actual animation) was undertaken by a single person, the piece was only twelve and a half minutes long. To this end, Johnson opted to present it in a kind of "next time" episode trailer format, evoking the feel of a teaser for a Doctor Who animation if one had been produced in Japan during the peak of the country's economic boom. The film was released in June 2011 after four years in development, but was taken down shortly after following Johnson's hiring by the BBC and 2entertain to work on restoring the lost 1960s episodes. Despite his pleas, he took down all of his Who work, including Jikuu Bouken...although it was quickly mirrored by other accounts.

The film revolves around, Norman, a world-weary manager of a pier theatre in a seaside resort. Norman has worked in the theatre for all of his life, but will not accept that the local council, which own the theatre are planning to install more commercial management in an attempt to boost audience numbers. As the story unfolds he realises it may be time to move on and put behind him the ghost of 50s & 60s singer Alma Cogan, who performed at the theatre many years ago. Sandra, his devoted long-suffering assistant and Norman decide to leave the theatre to fulfill her dream of being a professional singer and unexpectedly enjoying a late blossoming romance. From Wikipedia.


Exclusive to this boxset is Brendan Sheppard's new documentary, Davros Connections, which pulls together the whole of the Davros Boxset into a single chronology, as well as being a fascinating documentary in its own right. This is an in-depth look at the history of the Daleks' creator, Davros, as portrayed in both the TV stories from the BBC and in audio adventures from official licensee Big Finish. With actors Terry Molloy, David Gooderson and Peter Miles, producer/director Gary Russell, director Ken Grieve, writers Eric Saward, Ben Aaronovitch, Gary Hopkins and Joseph Lidster. Narrated by Terry Molloy.

A look at the appearances of the Daleks and Davros in the classic Doctor Who era.


A 55-minute documentary, detailing the creation of Doctor Who, including a rare interview with creator Sydney Newman, and new interviews with producer Verity Lambert, directors Waris Hussein and Richard Martin, actors William Russell and Carole Ann Ford, title sequence designer Bernard Lodge, and TARDIS sound effect creator Brian Hodgson

The September of 1513 saw King James IV invade England with the largest and most confident army Scotland has yet seen. But within a few short days, nearly 10,000 of these proud warriors would be laying dead on Flodden Field. Among the hacked corpses would be the body of King James himself. This is the story of the most catastrophic military defeat in Scotland's history. For a turquoise ring and a foolish promise, James IV had risked, and lost, everything. This video includes dramatic and authentic battle re-enactments and the very latest in computer graphics to help tell this chapter in the bloody story of the conflicts between England and Scotland.

London, 1963: The Doctor returns to the place where it all began — alongside his latest companion, Ace, with unfinished business. Not for the first time, unusual events are unfolding at Coal Hill School. At 76 Totter's Lane, the Doctor discovers that his oldest foes — the Daleks — are on the trail of stolen Time Lord technology that he left on Earth long ago. The Daleks are planning to perfect their own time-travel capability, in order to unleash themselves across the whole of time and space.

The Doctor and Peri arrive on the planet Necros to visit a facility called Tranquil Repose, where the wealthy can have their newly deceased bodies cryogenically frozen until medical science can cure them of their ailment. The Doctor wishes to pay his last respects to his friend, Professor Arthur Stengos, but it turns out this is just a ruse to lure him into a trap. The Great Healer masterminding Tranquil Repose is in fact Davros, who has been using the organic material in cryogenic storage to create a whole new army of Daleks to conquer the universe.

While trying to fix the TARDIS's chameleon circuit, the Sixth Doctor returns to Foreman's Yard on Totter's Lane in 1985, where he meets his old enemies the Cybermen. They have come from the future to change history by sending Halley's Comet crashing into Earth. Lytton, last seen working for the Daleks, is involved in the Cybermen's plot. Is Lytton working for the Cybermen, himself or someone else?

Captured in a time corridor, the Doctor and his companions are forced to land on 20th century Earth, diverted by the Doctor's oldest enemy - the Daleks. It is here the true purpose of the time corridor becomes apparent: after ninety years of imprisonment, Davros, the ruthless creator of the Daleks, is to be liberated to assist in the resurrection of his army. Not even the Daleks foresee the poisonous threat of their creator. Indeed, who would suspect Davros of wanting to destroy his own Daleks - and why? Only the Doctor knows the truth. Will he descend to Davros' level of evil to stop him?


"These Indian films. They're done to a formula - songs, dance, routines and a lot of sentimental heavy breathing." When her 17-year-old son Roy falls in love with a Muslim girl, and a Bangladeshi butcher seeks help from her husband Raji, Leela realises that the tears and romance of Indian cinema are closer to her own life than she has ever imagined.

Jasper Carrott stars as Sago, on holiday in Spain with his two friends Wayne and Kevin. After nearly missing their plane, Sago ends up losing all of the trio's money in a game of backgammon, and enters them into a talent contest to try to win some back. They are the stereotypical British tourist in the sun: uncouth, rowdy, obnoxious, and more often than not, drunk!