Theresa Tova

A single woman swears off dating, after every boyfriend she’s had finds the love of their life immediately after breaking up with her.

When a determined toy company executive, Christy, must learn about Hanukkah in a hurry in order to land a big account, she enlists the help of her co-worker's friend Jonathan, who happens to also be in desperate need of turning his bachelor pad into a Christmas Wonderland to impress his girlfriend's father.


A once accomplished sculptor, a former college art teacher, but now a lonely graveyard shift doorman, Abner Roth is sadly a mere shadow of his former self. Having lost the love of his life and haunted by the death of a woman in a terrible car accident a year ago, he is desolate and suicidal but amusingly so. Step in Zoe, a free spirited taxi driver with a large hart and persuasive disposition. Zoe's energy and outlook help Abner look at life anew and try to reconcile his conflicted past.


When Michael Norell witnesses a murder, he doesn't want to testify but he is forced to by the police. A cop is ordered to bring him to the court, but before they get there they have to deal with several attacks from killers.


Ted is an entrepreneur whose hopes of selling 10,000 automatized ashtrays are scattered away after his buyer died. The story revolves around dozen of people whose lives are intertwined around Ted's Sisyphean attempts to return the money of a loan shark whose services he had to seek for.


A horror film about a screenwriter who loses the ability to distinguish between his fantasy world and the real world, with disastrous consequences. As he ruminates on his place in any world and loses his grip, he also loses his wife and his children's respect, and critics tear him apart. The final undoing of this screenwriter is a deadline that must be met at all costs, costs that perhaps are too great.


Former childhood friends are bequeathed a restaurant where they met as teens on one condition: they must be married to claim the inheritance. Both single, the race is on to find the "one" but sometimes it can be right in front of you.