Thimi Filipi

Margarita Begolli, the portagonist of the film, returns to Albania after 25 years with her memory lost.


Two young directors, Ilir and Sandri, are working on a new film, which deals with events from World War II.

A repatriated man is killed in a small town. No one knows who the killer is. The chief investigator takes the case himself and starts unraveling the mystery.


The film director, Bujar, is making a movie about the life and activity of Enver Hoxha. During the film, many retrospectives from the war times till the end of his life are given.

It is the Fall of 1944. Events take place in the newly liberated Berat. A group of partisans are charged with the task of normalizing the life in the liberated city during this first night of freedom.

In a weather of unexpected rains, work is suspended at the dam of an important hydropower station and the safety of the project is jeopardized. The situation weighs heavier on the chief designer, eng. Ilir, who together with his comrades does his best to come out of this difficult situation.


Film based on the life and patriotic activities of teacher Petro Nini Luarasi.


A film about the life of militant Vasil Shanto.


A story about a little boy who lives in Tirana, the capital of Albania.


Biopic about the patriot and political activist Avni Rustemi.

Romantic drama.


The film focuses on 3 characters: Telo, Vera and Kiço. Vera is Kiço's sister and loves Telo, but Kiço is not happy about their relationship.


Someone falsifies the lab data regarding the quality of imported goods. This results in the contract with a foreign company eing broken. The suspect is a specialist who handles the contracts. With these acts, saboteurs are trying to spread doubt and insecurity.

Vullnet, raised in an orphanage, has finished the military service and must solve some problems in his life.

The year is 1941, World War II is going on. Vaso returns to his village, helping the revolt of the villagers against the enemy. Marko, his brother, wants to get revenge against the people who took his fiancée. This revenge becomes part of the overall revolt.

The events take place in the marsh of Nusekana, where a legend is also set. In this place, two students of agronomy, Eda and Bora come to carry out their learning practice. The passion for the profession makes the girls adapt with the new environment. Between Bora and Fani starts to grow the passion of love.

A translator at the conference of communist parties witnessed the biggest break between the two communist parties. The dramatic events in the military conflict take place on a naval base in Albania, which the Soviets did not dare to adopt. Based on a novel by Ismail Kadare.


"Mysafiri" is an intelligence agent who infiltrates a foreign agency operating in Albania.

Dafina, a young, schooled woman, returns to the city and opens the first school for girls.


Bela, a young bride, is being escorted to the house of her new husband, Gani, who will soon leave to become a partisan.


Shpresa goes to the house of fascist collaborators to commit an assassination. After that, dressed as a bride, she becomes an illegal.


Film set in a remote mountainous area where work and living conditions are harsh.

A film about the Italian troops leaving Vlora and Albanian partisans finally entering the enemy camp.


After the war, the country is plagued by famine. The secretary party committee, Martin Kreka, leads a campaign to gather the grain that is sold in the black market.


World War II. The fascists kill a boy and invite his mother to identify the body, but she refuses.


Based on a true story, set during the drainage of the Maliq swamp.

The movie is based on a Fatmir Gjata screenplay. Gjata had written a novel with the same title earlier. The events evolve in the 1950s. The main character, Tana, is a smart, outgoing and progressive young woman. She is in love with Stefan (Naim Frashëri) and they both live in an unnamed mountain village in Albania. Tana has to face the old mentality of her old grandfather and she also has to fight the jealousy of Lefter . It is a love game, while socialist progress is highlighted as is often in the socialist realism.
