Thomas Anton

18th century Vienna. Maria Theresia von Paradis, a gifted piano player and close friend of Mozart's, lost her eye-sight as a child. Desperate to cure their talented daughter, the Paradis entrust Maria to Dr. Mesmer, a forward-thinking-physician who gives her the care and attention that she requires. With the doctor's innovative techniques of magnetism, Maria slowly recovers her sight. But this miracle comes at a price as the woman progressively starts to lose her gift for music.


Otto Skorzeny was one of the most hidden in mystery 'War artisans' of Hitler. His commando operations (including the liberation of Mussolini from Gran Sasso) have significantly affected the course of the 2nd World War. The myth developed around Skorzeny had its effect: the German propaganda made ​​him a kind of "Nazi James Bond"'. For the first time, this film tells the true story of this brutal and fanatical man.