Thomas M. Disch

Consek Industries may have stripped Margaret of her physical body when she was melted down, re-wired and re-built as a cybernetic research assistant, but the corporation made no concessions for the thoughts and emotions that remained locked inside her new metal casing. Imprisoned by immortality and stranded within an isolated, bio-chemical research facility on Venus, Margaret revisits the sour memories of the failed romance between herself and her former colleague, Dr. John George Clay.

A poetic look at the life and legacy of legendary author Philip K. Dick (1928-1982), who wrote over over a hundred short stories and 44 novels of mind-bending sci-fi, exploring themes of authority, drugs, theology, mental illness and much more.


A group of dated appliances find themselves stranded in a summer home that their family had just sold decide to, a la The Incredible Journey, seek their young 8 year old "master". Children's film which on the surface is a frivolous fantasy, but with a dark subtext of abandonment, obsolescence, and loneliness.
