Thomas Meyer-Hermann

The ancient struggle between good and evil.

The official music video from the children's TV series PATCHWORK PALS by Angela Steffen.

"You know, when I was a boy, I fell in love with the Virgin Mary. It happened in a little Bavarian town called Altötting."

The little giraffe wants some leaves from the trees, but she can't reach and the big giraffes won't share.


Sloth wants to buy an ice cream cone. Unfortunately, he is way too slow and sleepy.

The sheep jumps in from risky adventure to another. The flock would never take such risk!


A timid penguin waiter with a red bow tie goes out of his way to perform his job to perfection. But when a glacé cherry falls from the cake, it sets off a chain reaction of disastrous events. Before long, the frigid social gathering is transformed into a boisterous party.

The little anglerfish has to go to bed. But the deep waters are full of threatening creatures.

An animated short tale of two goats and the lessons they learn from one another.


A boy is setting the table. He places a plate with a picture of a tiger on the table. The tiger comes alive and jumps off the plate and starts to eat the boy's food and drink his juice.


Under the hot sun of Anran, a sweating hippo mother walked into the cooling water of the river. Her little hippo kid wanted to do the same, but he found out soon enough that he was too small to walk like his mother. At the bottom of the river he caught the attention of one little fish, and then another fish, and then two fish. Together they thought up a solution...

The film depicts the creation of the world through playful images that draw parallels with the creative process associated with art


We swoop through action-filled rooms. Again and again, we fly past people and events without ever recognizing what is really going on. This film is a three-minute version of an endless-loop video originally designed as a project for exhibitions. It was shown at the Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg, the Künstlerhaus in Stuttgart and the Goethe Institut in Paris.

We are put in a world where television has complete power. "Flaming Arrow", the hero of the film, is the only one among the masses of TV dependent people who still knows genuine feelings. We feel with him. He takes up the fight against the power of the media. He meets with the same problems as we do: to recognize what is reality and what is film.

One day, a little mole discovers that all of the other animals have a friend of their same species to play with, but the mole is all alone and very sad. To make matters worse, all the food is starting to rebel. A fat earthworm escapes in a hurry, right under the mole's nose. The hunt inside the tunnels begins! Finally the earthworm is caught, but just as the mole is about to bite down, he realises that it's not an earthworm but another mole's tail. Now that they've found each other, there's a happy ending under the molehill.

Did you know fireflies like Christmas songs? But be careful, they're very shy! This is what our friends discover when the clumsy reindeer tries to join the choir. The right rhythm has to be found to really make the fireflies dance.

While stressing out over her final exams, Antonia the Cow meets the night watchman, Kurt the Lion. They fall in love, but their relationship is met with great skepticism by the world around them. Antonia‘s farm animal roommates have little time for these predatory posers from the wild, while Kurt‘s pride still view themselves as the kings of the jungle and can‘t understand why he‘d choose a cow as a partner. When a sheep goes missing, suspicion falls on the carnivorous Kurt...

The whale swims proudly through the sea, but all the animals are afraid of his huge size and his broad grin. Will he find new friends to play funny games?

A snowball fight is fun for everyone! Because it's sooo cold outside, the penguin has to think of something special to get his friends to join in the game.

It's so annoying to be sick! Especially if you're an elephant and have to sneeze all the time. But with good friends you will get better soon.