Tichi Lobos

Daniel and Alejandra, a working class couple in their late 30s, move to the countryside near the Andes Mountains to begin the next chapter of their life together. Alejandra is ill, and Daniel looks after her, his soul mate. He scratches out a living doing farm work, while dreaming of buying his own plot of land. Over the course of a year, director Alejandro Fernández Almendras captures a life of love and frustration as Alejandra’s condition worsens, and Daniel can do nothing but keep on struggling.


A ruthless thief has a change of heart after being mortally wounded and wants to carry the town's cross on the Way of the Cross in order to save his soul.

Julia, a young teenage schoolgirl, tries to hide her newborn baby from her parents.

The seductive quality of the night of a saturday where both the rich and the poor experience the drunken urgency of the party and the clock.

A Reality Show TV host tired of the sensationalist routine of this kind of programs and confident in his powerful Imagination, dreams in writing the most original story in the world


The story of the inspiring life of the new young Carmelite saint who lived in the 20th century, died at the age of just 19 years old, and was canonized by Pope John Paul II in 1993. St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes, known officially as "St. Teresa of the Andes", grew up in a close-knit, upper middle class Catholic family in Santiago, Chile, was very popular with her friends and relatives, entered Carmel at age 19, and died before her 20th birthday.
