Tiffany E. Green

A film about a man's journey for redemption, as he tries to clear his name of a robbery he didn't commit.


Set in Philadelphia, "The Underground Kings" centers around police corruption and criminal underworld. It starts in Harrisburg as undercover cop Jayson Wylie is shot and left for dead in a botched drug bust. His partner Noah Carter learns information from a DEA Agent Daniel House from Philadelphia, whose been investigating the overdosing death of his wife, that this shooting was not accidental, but a set up. Philadelphia Police Lieutenant Jack Wilcox whom is an advisor to the Harrisburg Police Departments Narcotics Division tips off Smooth, one of Philadelphia's largest crime bosses, that his enforcers Rashaad and Will are about to be taken down by Jayson and his team. Smooth alerts them about the drug bust and they attempt to eradicate the problem. Agent Daniel House is successfully able to talk Noah into going undercover in Philadelphia to expose the police corruption in the city, take down Smooth's criminal empire and avenge both his wife and Noah's partners shooting. As Noah infiltrates Smooth's organization, he learns that Smooth is just one crab in the cities barrel of many, fighting to climb to the top of Philly's crime chain. Smooth's main oppositions in the diversified city are Cuban, his larger then life Hispanic drug connect out of North Philly, Paulie a South Philly Italian that owns gambling houses, number running and is looking to diversify into the narcotics business and Eric, his childhood friend and longtime partner whom has a gambling problem and feels Smooth doesn't give him the respect that he deserves. And while these gentleman jockey each other for position, Lieutenant Wilcox stands there with a lid in one hand a glove on the other carefully picking and choosing whom he wants to assist when its convenient for him. If at anytime he believes his career or reputation is being put in jeopardy, he is quickly prepared to cage all of them before any harm can come his way.


Herman Stone travels home for what he believes is a brief uneventful holiday, however due to some family circumstances his journey takes a unexpected path.

One thousand years after cataclysmic events forced humanity's escape from Earth, Nova Prime has become mankind's new home. Legendary General Cypher Raige returns from an extended tour of duty to his estranged family, ready to be a father to his 13-year-old son, Kitai. When an asteroid storm damages Cypher and Kitai's craft, they crash-land on a now unfamiliar and dangerous Earth. As his father lies dying in the cockpit, Kitai must trek across the hostile terrain to recover their rescue beacon. His whole life, Kitai has wanted nothing more than to be a soldier like his father. Today, he gets his chance.


After spending eight months in a mental institution, a former teacher moves back in with his parents and tries to reconcile with his ex-wife.
