Tim Kirk

A wilfully offensive band, The Mentors gained infamy for performing in black executioner hoods and spewing cartoonishly racist, homophobic and misogynistic lyrics in the 1980s and ‘90s—but was their use of shock meant to propagate hate or confront it?


Jimmy Morris has a special surprise guest on his podcast, The Film Dick. It's Chester Holloway who reveals all the secrets behind the mysterious 1939 film, 'Sex Madness.'


Eight people experience sleep paralysis, a condition which leaves them unable to move, speak or react.


'Terror of Frankenstein' is an exercise in extreme meta-fictional tragicomedy. Presented as the commentary track of a rushed reissue of a forgotten (but 100% genuine) Frankenstein film's DVD (because of unspecified 'recent events'), this project transforms the film into an entirely new, very human horror story. Featuring Clu Gulager as the director of the 1977 original who is happily exploiting the unmentioned tragedy linked to the film, the recording session unravels a mystery as he clashes with the screenwriter (Zack Brown) and, ultimately, its star (Leon Vitali from Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut and Barry Lyndon, playing himself.) 'Terror of Frankenstein' is Mystery Science Theater 3000 by way of Sartre, an icy satire of the monsters onscreen, behind the camera, and in the audience.


A subjective documentary that explores various theories about hidden meanings in Stanley Kubrick's classic film The Shining. Five very different points of view are illuminated through voice over, film clips, animation and dramatic reenactments.


An underground classic. Great camp horror flick with stunningly primitive ideas and execution. From the waitress at the Greek diner to the old man with toilet paper stuck in his trousers, this is a treat for adults of all ages. And the classic, "It's frothing too much." Comic genius at its best.
