
A biographical film about the popular rap artist Detsl, whose real name is Kirill Tolmatskiy. The rap artist passed away at the age of 35 in 2019.


The fame of the songwriter Eduard Surovy fell on the 70s of the last century, when the Comedy Club resident Garik Kharlamov, who named his odious humorous character in his honor, was not yet in the project. With the personal approval of Leonid Brezhnev, Eduard was allowed to represent the USSR, closed by the iron curtain, at the famous European music competition.


The complete history of hip-hop in Russia, from its underground stage to hitting huge stadiums, is seen through the eyes of the brightest and most iconic representatives of the profession. This film looks behind the scenes of Russian rap, exposing all the conflicts and clashes, showing the genre’s true colors and answering the question of how it managed to capture this generation’s attention and become their anthem.


A Russian WW2 spy spoof following misadventures of a clueless Soviet secret agent trapped inside Hitler's inner circle.
