Timo Koivusalo

An overweight boy who was a bullied at school grew up to become a beloved comedian, folk artist Jope Ruonansuu. He was a versatile entertainer, but above all an impressionist, able to imitate more than 150 characters from the ruling class. Jope's journey was a natural extension of the post-war "Rillumarei" -culture. He broke through when the monoculturalism was at its most vibrant and grew in popularity as it began to crumble. With weight loss surgery, Jope sought a healthier life, but also to shed the extra pounds and childhood traumas. After the surgery, he was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer, but continued to fight, developing a number of different projects, including an anti-bullying campaign together with the President of Finland, Sauli Niinistö. The project was to culminate in a joint visit to Syväkangas school, in Jope's home town of Kemi. Jope passed away before then, but Niinistö kept his promise.

The Singer is a film about the all-time favourite singer in Finland, Olavi Virta. A man who rose from poverty all the way to the top and became an artist who was dearly loved by the Finnish people. A man who loved beautiful women and was loved by beautiful women. A man who enjoyed speed, American cars, applause and alcohol and who finally lost everything but his unique voice.


Elvi ja Rauha-aunt gets an brilliant idea: they need to find a Man, that is suitable father figure for Risto. Risto does not like this idea at all, neither does the neighbour Lennart who happens to have a thing for Rauha. In order help Risto to get off this ordeal Lennart tries to create a perfect Man that might fulfill Rauha's constantly changing ideas what a perfect Man is suppose to be.


The movie is about the Lokomo laborer, and group of friends that dreams come true and a thirst for fast-paced life that take decades.


The life of a Finnish family from 1880, through the First World War, the Finnish Civil War and the Second World War, to about 1950. Through the lives of ordinary people, it describes the clash of ideals in Finland's language strife and the struggle between the Whites (nationalists) and the Reds (socialists) in the movement to Independence and Civil War. Based on the trilogy of novels by Väinö Linnan.

Akseli Koskela returns from prison and tries to learn living again. He's not allowed to take part in politics anymore, but he sees a lot of injustice around him. He raises a family with his wife Elina while another war is around the corner...


Based on the novel by Väinö Linna, the story takes place during the time of the Finnish Civil War.


Mitä tapahtuu, kun yhdessä miehessä asuu kaksi ihmistä, joista toinen on tietoinen toisen olemassaolosta, mutta toinen ei? Liikuttava kertomus vie kolme ihmistä eri sukupolvista keskelle Eurooppaa.


Director Timo Koivusalo point of view about life of classical music composer Jean Sibelius, who is a national composer of Finland.


The life of Irwin Goodman, a Finnish singer.


The adventures of Herman the Clown.