Tina Flintoff

On Easter Sunday of 2015, Victoria Cilliers jumped out of a plane at 4,000 feet. When her parachute failed to open, she plummeted and crashed to the ground. Incredibly, she survived, only to discover the shocking truth... Her own husband had just tried to murder her. What's even more unbelievable is that this isn't the first time he has tried to do so.


Guys And Dolls focuses on a group of men who have fallen in love with their life-size dolls, called "Real Dolls." For these men, their $10,000 lifelike, built-to-order creations have replaced human women. For some people, finding a partner in life can be difficult. For these men, it's almost impossible. Ten years ago, a small factory in California began making an alternative partner. Each is tailored made to suit every taste. There are now 3000 real dolls across the world providing some of those with love and companionship that real women cannot.


The Importance of Being Morrissey is the most revealing and quotable documentary made on Steven Patrick Morrissey. In it, he compares meat eating to child abuse; attacks the Royal Family and Tony Blair; responds to the accusations of racism, and we hear about his depression. There’s also some great concert footage and a mixed selection of celebrity fans who explain their fervor for the Mozz.
