Tina Reynolds

Bella is a girl that can't seem to fit in - but also doesn't want to. In an attempt to connect with her shadowy past, she discovers the most unusual type of friendship.

Belladonna is a monster film based around the "Lamia" in ancient Greek Mythology. With tones of Giallo films of the past, Belladonna tells a story of a once child-eating snake, who has found a way to stay hidden in the modern world.

A repressed man experiments with drugs in order to find his true purpose and place in the world.


Santa Monica College's Student Filmmakers Association presents an hysterical ride into the world of movie making. Mac (Anthony Aulisio III) and Wendy Storm (Tina Reynolds) are a happily married couple with a "perfect little life". But as characters in a movie being written by two aspiring filmmakers (Curnal Aulisio and Glen Diller), they're thrust into a life and death struggle between good and evil
