Tinka Menkes

A stop-motion menagerie of birds illuminate a nun’s spiritual ecstasy and terror in this experimental animated work set to the music of Christian mystic Hildegard von Bingen.

This film was inspired by a real event—a young US Marine, recently back from the Gulf War, was found digging a grave for his murdered wife in the middle of the California Mojave.


Revolves around the life of an alienated blackjack dealer. The film examines the desolation of daytime Vegas.


Story of A Red Sea Crossing. Shot in the bars and seedy hotels of East LA, this film is about the inner life of a prostitute imprisoned for killing her pimp.


A young, orthodox Jewish woman is alienated from her Jerusalem community and drawn into the world of spirit.


Nina's first collaboration with her sister Tinka Menkes, the film documents, in a strange and beautiful way, a serious illness suffered by Tinka, and also expresses how art is a transformative response to life.