Tito Lusiardo

Backstage musical: showbiz couple fusses and breaks up, then resolve their problems just before the end.


A bohemian reluctant to marriage and work will get sudden wealth.

Rich girl with progressive ideas goes undercover as a sales clerk at her father's department store.


A singer married to a gambler is accused of murder.


In order to seduce a humble man, a rich girl pretends to be a maid.


The consequences of having accepted a thief as a guest in the house.

Well-to-do idler loses his fortune, ends up going to night-school and working as butler for a wealthy family. Still posing as a rich toff, he courts a young lady who turns out to be the daughter of his employer.


The needy Pedro Céspedes finds a coat that implies for those who wear it a mysterious prodigality of money and jewelry.


A man and his family get rich thanks to mysterious promissory notes.


A humble bartender wants his minister brother to recognize the son of the woman he abandoned years ago.


A single mother who refuses work to support the son she had with the aristocrat who had seduced her, and who also intends to marry a millionaire, is helped by a singer, a director of orchestra and an American songwriter, who get shelter in the pension where they live


Romance - with its ruptures and reunions - between a girl and a boy who want to succeed with the tango.


A rumor spreads about a man being bad luck. His superstitious friends believe it, but it's all part of an evil scheme to ruin the man's upcoming wedding. Adapted from the play of the same name by Gregorio de Laferrere.


A freakish coincidence brings together a songwriter and the lyricist from whom he inadvertently stole the lyrics to a hit song.


Ana Maria del Solar is a rich lady who is suddenly in the street. After a while she goes to live in the pension where her driver lives.


A drunken and lazy gaucho is helped by another, pious and just.

A talented tango composer who is in love with a singer gets his credit stolen from him by the boyfriend of the girl, who happens to be his partner. Additionally, two unfaithful husbands have to win their wives back while they take their revenge on them by going out with other people.


argentinian star carlos gardel stars in another thirties tango movie


Carlos Argüelles is the son of a wealthy man whose only interests in life are business and making money. While trying to succeed in show business he falls in love with a dancer and they elope to marry. But success is not easy to obtain.


The film's plot, which largely takes place in a cabaret, revolves around a worldly guy who had abandoned a mature lover for a younger and more beautiful one. It is very elementary and is just a pretext for a parade of popular songs. Currently considered lost.


The theft of a village mailbox wreaks havoc on the relationships and secrets of its neighbors.
