Tiziano Longo

Eurocrime/Poliziotteschi movie from 1977


Rich and respected Emanuele Lo Curcio dies leaving all his possessions to his natural daughter Domitilla, actually a nun, whose relatives, including his brother and Mayor Angelo Lo Curcio, ignored the existence of hers. The disappointment and anger of his numerous relatives, indebted up to their necks, pushes them to try with all sorts of scams to strip off Domitilla's legacy.


A woman is killed, and Femi Benussi appears to investigate. Her clothes fall off in almost every scene as with the help of a young handsome man she seeks a resolution to the mystery surrounding the murder, and the meaning of a block of wood with cryptical markings. Femi runs afoul of a bunch of idiotic gangsters, including a mob boss whose trademark is a red rose which he carries with him at all times. Some other girl is taking her clothes off a lot as well. Eventually they wind up in a weird sex club and then a graveyard.


Thinly sketched portrayal of Maria, a sixteen year old girl who is resentful of her mother's decision to live with her lover. She flirts with the lover and eventually succumbs to his lust.


italian film


A masked killer stalks an institution for mentally disturbed rich women.


The story of a beautiful young woman who, for the love of her ambitious husband, becomes a blackmail victim and has to resort to prostitution...


Some youngsters rape and kill their teacher; but they won't tell their motivation. The police detective on the case feels some sinister influence behind the young murderers.


An electronic ray that can counter any aerial attacks has just been invented by Professor Goodwin, but before he can put in good hands, he is kidnapped by a criminal organization, that starts an international bid for him and his invention among the rogue countries of the world. The CIA sends Agent Sigma 3 to find the Professor before the transaction takes place. His mission takes him from Rome to Tangiers, and to Barcelona.


In the mid-1500s, a ship containing Spanish prisoners being sent to a Spanish penal colony in the Caribbean sinks at sea, but some of the prisoners manage to survive and make it to shore at a nearby island. They organize themselves under the leadership of Juan Olivares (dynamically played by charismatic singer-actor Johnny Desmond), manage to take over a ship with some cargo that they barter for supplies, and eventually are asked to fight on behalf of the Spanish crown against the English... or is the request sincere?


Adventure film about the popular hero Robin Hood, and how he and his partisans take on the defence of King Richard Lion-Heart's interests against his brother John, while the former is in the Holy Land.


This is an Italian Comedy-Romance starring Terence Hill
