Tommaso Dazzi

A sailor who landed on the ground only for a bank deposit found himself involved in a spin of misadventures and vicissitudes. He will have to retrieve his ten thousand dollars (to invest in the opening of a Tahiti bar) before the ship resumes.


Nick has been living as a merchant seaman, sailing everywhere with his pet pelican. While off the coast of South America, his boat is capsized by an oil tanker. In fury, he gets back ashore, seeking the oil company's board of directors, and says that he wants to be repaid. However, he is met by surprising hostility. He also meets a twelve-year-old boy who, it turns out, is the heir to the oil company, after his grandfather allegedly died. Nick agrees to protect the boy and, not very surprisingly, they soon find that Grandpa isn't at all dead, but merely hiding in the wilderness (allegedly the Colombian Amazon). Soon they discover that there is a conspiracy of greed, and after an action-packed climax, Nick acquires a new boat.


A young girl and her mother run a hotel during the war. When the mother dies, the girl finds herself at the mercy of her sex-crazed guests. Soon enough, a cloaked figure starts killing off everyone that tries to harm her.
