Tommy Wai-Tak Lor

Shanghai mob boss, Liang Xiao Tang, has been murdered by his ambitious eldest son. After his death, his second son, Liang Jia Jin, is beset with great difficulties. To add to his troubles, he finds out that his girlfriend, whom he loves dearly, is actually a hitman planted by another mob. In the face of great adversity, Liang Jia Jin embarks on a journey to revive Tianhe Company, destroy the entire mafia, reveal his girlfriend's identity as a hitman, etc. through a series of detailed plans.

Ken, a shrink, is in his 30s. His wife, Flora, was his high school sweetheart. They have been married for over a decade and Flora's face has already been weathered. In his prime, Ken cannot help but think that something is missing from his life. To celebrate their 15th anniversary, Ken and Flora go for a walk in the hills. Flora loses her balance and when she is about to fall off a cliff, Ken does not save her. Flora has died and strange things start to happen at home....


Love stories of three sisters who live on different growth tracks.
