Toni Tetzlaff

Movie based on the novel by Christel Broehl-Delhaes


The double standards of a social class, which pontificates with big words what is proper and improper in the world of morality, while in its heart thinks very differently and acts accordingly.

A man comes back from America after years to find his reputation ruined.


A woman is put on trial for murdering a dancer who ruined her marriage.


The political advisor to the French emperor Napoleon, and the Austrian emperor Franz I, arrange a marriage between Napoleon and the Austrian archduchess Marie-Luise in order to prevent another war.


This film is included in the holdings of the Centre National du Cinéma et de l'Image Animée and Filmarchiv Austria.

Heads Up, Charley is a 1927 German silent comedy film directed by Willi Wolff and starring Ellen Richter, Anton Pointner, and Michael Bohnen. Marlene Dietrich appears in a supporting role.
