Tore Foss

Father and mother Andersen and their four children live in a closed down farmside storehouse in the outskirts of Oslo. They enjoy life here, but the many neibours surrounding them are less enthusiastic about the family's lack of respect towards the supposed social order and decency they live by.


Foaming sea from the Royal Norwegian Navy, with a crew on duty onwards to Tromsø. Onboard speedy warships with splash from the sea, song, music and girls in every harbor. Welcome to the boys in the navy!


Classic Norwegian Comedy from the 1960's. The Capital City of Norway is changing for the alleged better after WWII, yet not everyone wants anything to change, Living in their own way, not willing to accept truth, free enterprise and each other, As a result they spend plenty of time inside prison...


Four friends gather for a bridge evening that ends as an evening filled with supernatural experiences. Three of them, a director, a journalist and a writer, serving stories where evil and occult phenomena play the main role. The fourth card player, a psychiatrist, trying to pick the stories apart and prove that everything has its explanation. Building on Bernhard Borges (Andrè Bjerke) novel' unicorn'.


The play opens in the study at Hakon Werle's house during a dinner party for the return of Werle's son, Gregers, from the Hoidal mines. Gregers has not come home for fifteen years. Old Ekdal appears before two servants, begging to be let into the office. Ekdal was an army officer and partner to Werle until a forestry scandal sent him to prison over some scandal. He now works as one of Werle's copyists.


In suburbia Solbråten has some residents received bildilla. The otherwise wayward husbands forget their obligations for both work and home. There is also a great contest in having more cars in their recovery than neighboring upswing.


A group of very different men are summoned for their refresher training at Haglemoen military camp. One more strange than the other, we get to meet jovial salesman Goggen Rask, car mechanic Bottolph Johansen, nicknamed daydreamer, and ship-owner Rieber Larsen Jr. They form an unruly faction which Major Kampstrup struggles to maintain structured and prepared, not to mention keeping them inside the camp premises before they pretend sick to see the nurses Bitten and Florence. The men do their best to get through their rigourous training, with great confusion and comical situations.


A slice of life in 'Solbråten' where citizens are concerned with everyday many chores. In particular, men busy. They struggle with a resident's association, volunteers and home protection so they hardly have time to eat before they sleep dinner. They thrown in must go into work do not life easier.


Knut leads a record company, and when he meets the night club singer Anita Daae, his wife has to win him back.


Gerd falls in love with a young boy. She is considered a 'loose' woman, and the boy's family does not accept their relationship. The couple runs away to a cabin in the woods where they meet a rogue man who tests their relationship.


This is a light comedy from Edith Carlmar, Norways first woman director. It takes place in a company that sells baby toys. It is time to fill a leading position, and it is known the owner of the company only places married men on leading positions. This leads a young bachelor to "borrow" his best friends wife to have a chance at the position. This leads to a lot of comic misunderstandings, not the least because the owner of the company himself falls for the new young wife.


Student Tom Polden lives in difficult conditions at home. His mother lives constantly on the memories of her deceased husband. Her little hat shop is rather poor and the economy is peal. Tom constantly hear about the magnificent father, and becomes a big blow when he overhears his father shot himself because he had embezzled a substantial amount of money.


Mona and Egil have grown up with a jumble of parents and stepparents. Now they have a total of three pairs of parents. Mona gets pregnant, and all her parents want her to get married. During the engagement party, the parents cheat on each other one by one, which leads to Mona escaping with her fiancé. They decide not to get married. The parents travel to Copenhagen to look for the escaped young people.

Based on the novel by Alexander Kielland.

A young violinist dies during a concert being sick with tuberculosis, and his concert conducting father takes the blame and starts to drink. He is cured, but they find he has an illness ruining his conducting. This leads to a tragedy.

Øjvind, a smallholder's boy, is a close friend with Marit, a farmer's girl, throughout their entire childhood. As an adolescent he one day recognizes that she has become a maiden, and that he has fallen in love with her. When he sees Marit dancing with Jon Halten, a farmer's son, he gets sad, and notices that when you start loving someone, you are not cheerful any more. He senses the social distance between himself and Marit, and tries to compensate this by becoming the best pupil in the village. Øjvind wants to study at an agricultural college, and the old schoolmaster helps him to arrange this. When he some years later returns to the village as an agronomist, he and Marit resume their romance. Because of their different social status Marit's grandfather, Ola Nordistua, tries to stop the liaison. With new agricultural methods Øjvind helps his father to get better harvests. At the same time the old Ola Nordistua sees his farm going downhill as no one really cares for it.
