Torrey Richardson

Hanna notices some suspicious activity at a nearby cabin while she's kayaking by herself in a remote lake. Believing the woman and her daughter staying there might be in danger, she notifies the authorities. After the authorities find nothing wrong or unusual, they brush off Hanna. When she looks in on them, it sets off a deadly cat-and-mouse game of survival.

An airliner filled with 800 passengers is forced to fly fast and low, above farmlands, suburbs and skyscraper-packed cities or the tons of explosives aboard will detonate. When an elite unit of US Air Force fighter jets is sent to provide escort, they find themselves facing a squadron of unidentifiable warplanes which ignites a deadly air battle that threatens to destroy all life above and below.


When a group of marine biologists crash land in the Bermuda Triangle, they realize they have stumbled into the lost city of Atlantis. But they quickly discover the city isn't friendly, and its humanoid inhabitants are planning worldwide domination using the piles of weapons and technology that have fallen through the Triangle over the centuries.

Crazy Maltese Joe is forced to road trip across California with his estranged brother Charlie, a gassy dog, and a precious family heirloom to bust their dying sister out of the hospital on time for her planned escape.