Torsten Knippertz

When Norwegian scientist Marie attends a seminar in Paris on the actual weight of a kilo, it is her own measurement of disappointment, grief and, not least, love, that ends up on the scale. Finally Marie is forced to come to terms with how much a human life truly weighs and which measurements she intends to live by.


Seduced by the challenge of an impossible case, the driven Dr. Carl Jung takes the unbalanced yet beautiful Sabina Spielrein as his patient. Jung’s weapon is the method of his master, the renowned Sigmund Freud. Both men fall under Sabina’s spell.


The earth is about to be invaded. What fate will our planet suffer? And as if that's not enough, Kalle falls in love with Sheeba, who happens to be the commander of the invading troops.


Paul Kopinzky gets a typing job after a period of unemployment.