Tōru Nakane

A group of Japanese scientists goes to a small isolated village in the Thai mountains. A legend tells that the place is cursed, but also that a mysterious jewel would have been placed a long time ago in a sanctuary. After a long expedition, they finally discover a temple, located not far from a huge waterfall ... from which emerges a gigantic crocodile, the guardian of the treasure.

Mad sperm and her love juice, shake her body. The room is full of mad smell by animal FUCKING!!!

The tale of an alienated young guy eager to discover a way to spend his bills. Financial relief shows up in the form of unknown e-mails directing him to rape women for money, capturing the crimes as evidence of his work. Sordid as his brand new job may be, the aspiring rapist seems to have solved his financial woes, until a feisty young paranormal uses the girl extrasensory powers to resolve the case.


Yoichi, who works for an advertising agency becomes heavily obsessed with a strange woman, things go unexpected, leading to a divorce and other disasters...

A woman mysteriously develops psychic powers and the ability to contact spirits of the dead. Tōru, her avaricious husband, convinces the woman to hold seances, charging people money to contact their dead. When the King of Hell learns of this business, he kidnaps the wife. Attempting to rescue his wife, Tōru travels to the underworld with a Chinese monk. On the journey they encounter scenes of horror and sexual perversion.

It won the award for Seventh Best Film at the Pink Grand Prix ceremony.

A woman is raped on a crowded subway. No one reports it to the police. A TV studio exploits the incident to boost ratings, with tragic results, including the victimization of the reporter sent to harass the gang members who committed the crime.


One of the infamous "Four Devils" of the Japanese pink movie scene, Hisayasu Sato delivers an original and thrilling whodunit that moves through the layers of reality. Reporter Nukada's next big assignment is the secret world of Japanese phone sex clubs. He gets in touch with Midori, a part-time employee at the Banana Club, but is startled to hear she's been implicated in the bloody death of a client with perverted tastes, Kihara. Sensing a bigger story, Nukada uncovers a link between Midori and the late Kihara's wife and realizes that the situation is much more complex than he imagined. And in this world of blood-play and electro-sex, the biggest shock has yet to be announced...


Wataru and his older sister keep moving from place to place because strangers have been trying to kidnap Wataru. After a previous private tutor/bodyguard proves incompetent, they hire a swimming instructor who happens to be in dire need of some extra cash...

This one stars dexterous Shihori Na gasaka, from Masaru Konuma's Woman In A Box 2 (1986) and Erotic Seduction: Flesh Bondage (1987), in a contrived tale of corporate decadence and barbaric behavior. She plays the wife of an up and coming executive who must succumb to the animalistic cravings of the board of directors to protect her husband's position in the company.


When the Groper Train director takes the bus ... From director of Serial Rape-Murderer


Nikkatsu Roman Porno

A film debut work by Mr. Sokkuri, Toe Chie, who was talked about as a parody version adult video "Stewardess story" etc. Other performances include Akira Mano , Takeshita Yukari etc., the director is Ryuichi Hiroki , the steel is Kinichi Tanaka .

A female got viciously raped and killed. Aya, the publisher of a popular journal, and the professional photographer Kajii hurry to the location of the murder to make some photos for the news. The picture is awful as the murderer had cut the genitals out of his woman’s body. Aya get a tip from a photograph published in the journal, that was used by the fifteen years old person. Kajii prospects Shun to be the killer and starts following him with the help of his girlfriend. A couple of days later the maniac hits again. A new victim is Makiko, with whom Aya had lesbian sex and relationship. Their investigation for finding the killer leads them to a playground in which the first slay has had place. But who may be this High Noon Slasher and why is killing innocent girls.


1983 film. Gay-themed pinku-eiga. In Ryūichi Hiroki's trilogy of gay films for ENK Promotion.

The lovely Reiko has taken a new teaching job at a creepy old high school. She is an extremely attractive woman and the young students in her class have fallen for her. One night, after tennis practice, she is brutally assaulted in the locker room shower by a man with a stocking over his face. Left on the floor naked and in shock, she discovers a single puzzle piece left behind by the crazed man. A few days later, a pair of students enact a perverted sexual revenge on Reiko for kicking someone off the tennis team. Could one of these students be the man who brutalized her in the locker room? Who owns the strange puzzle piece? As the mystery unfolds, Reiko must come to terms with her own sexual urges and fate.


First production by Directors' Company.


Pinku from 1981. Reiko Nemoto is a teacher. She had never had any experience with men until the age of 24, although this was not particularly intentional. Sanae Nishio, a schoolgirl, looks at Reiko as if she is an idiot. One day, while Reiko is inspecting the classroom, she hears the voices of a man and a woman. Looking into it, she discovers her colleague Kazuko Nishida having sex with Mamoru Araki, a student. Reiko is astonished. Kazuko, knowing that she was seen, invited Reiko to a coffee shop the next day...