Tsai Hung

Hoping to find their uncle in the big city, siblings Siu-Tong and Chee-Loy end up offending the local gangsters and attracting the drug traffickers. As if luck would have it, they are now the Interpol's best friends, as the police wants their assistance in trapping the bad guys at a triad banquet gathering…


The misadventures of a family of sex maniacs.


Note : Not to be confused with the movie of the same name which stars Michael Wong and Ellen Chan. May Lin mourns her husband, who was killed by gangsters after she and he had an argument about money. May swears revenge, then has plastic surgery, afterward assuming a new identity as Donna, a nightclub dancer and stripper.


Pong not only has lots of past and present girlfriends, but lots of triad type buddies that are up to no good.

A gang of female bikers travel the streets of Hong Kong dishing out justice to the various misogynistic men who beat, abuse or rape women.


Taiwanese action/crime flick starring Alexander Lo Rei

1992 film


A group of young people are helped to illegally immigrate from China to Hong Kong by a local gang, but when they arrive they are immediately abused by the gang and paid little for the tasks they are given. Struggling to survive, the group turn to petty crime to make ends meet. When one of the group accidentally picks the pocket of a chief detective, he decides to use the group of desperate immigrants to help him infiltrate their gang.

University students in Taipei come under pressure when they are bullied by thugs and forced to enter a fight to the death karate tournament, where super kicker Hwang Jang Lee is the final opponent.


Renowned kickfighter Delon Tam a.k.a. Dorian Tan Tao-Liang (THE HOT, THE COOL, AND THE VICIOUS) stars in this butt-kicking kung fu fest, hailed by critics as one of the greatest kicker movies ever made! When Pan, a South China martial artist is defeated and killed by Tan, a North China challenger in a legfighter duel, Pan's younger brother Pak (Kang Peng) vows to crush Tan with his own unique style of ferocious footwork, The Leg Fighters is high-flying, brilliant kickfighting action!


The morale of the army is low as the countess sets out to overthrow the enemy army..


Four grotesque masters of Kung Fu are destined to fight each other. Two only wish good for their people. The other two want to become the only two living masters. Thus, they hire and train an assassin to murder the others.

As a child, Fong Lin I witnesses the murder of her lawman father at the hand of 4 outlaws. She devotes her life to Martial Arts, with the aim of taking revenge years later.


Huang Rong is taken hostage by Ouyang Feng, who attempts to use her to seize the Nine Yin Manual from Guo Jing. Guo and Hong Qigong rescue Huang Rong and Guo gives Ouyang an "edited" version of the manual, that will eventually cause Ouyang to become insane after he practises the skills in the manual wrongly. Ouyang, Hong and Guo get into a fight, in which Ouyang Ke is injured, and Guo and Hong use the opportunity to escape. However, Hong Qigong is also wounded and he gives Huang Rong his Dog Beating Staff, effectively handing over his leadership of the Beggars' Sect to her. Ouyang Feng and Ouyang Ke pursue Guo Jing and Huang Rong to a deserted town for revenge. Guo and Huang take shelter in an abandoned tavern inhabited by a only a retarded girl called Shagu.


A corrupt mayor of a town in Szechuan province allies himself with a group of bandits to gain control of the region by cutting off all supply routes to the town. Two police men both expert kickers are deployed to put an end to the mayors evil plot.


When a Shaolin warlord is murdered the Emperor must discover where the evil lies amongst the warlords. Calling upon a young commander, he sends him on a quest to avenge the warlords death.


Guo Jing and Yang Kang are the sons of two rebels. The rebels are killed by imperial soldiers and the boys are rescued by six pugilists later. The pugilists agree to separate the two boys, tutor them separately in martial arts, and let them meet again when they have grown up, to determine whose abilities are better. Guo becomes the student of the "Seven Freaks of Jiangnan" while Yang Kang becomes the foster son of a Jurchen prince inadvertently.


Struggling to survive the murderous gang wars of Hong Kong, Tan Tung, a young martial arts street fighter, successfully takes on all challengers—until he runs up against the savage underworld empire of Hong Kong's Triad mafia. Escaping to San Francisco, he again tangles with criminal gangs, but this time fights his way to the top of the city's most feared gangster organization led by the White Dragon boss (Kuo Chui). At last, his rise to power leads to a final, murderous, gang-land war for control of all Chinatown. And in the end, Tan Tung must decide whether he will use his awesome skills to fight for evil...or for to help his best friend Yang Ching.


There is no place more hallowed in the martial art world than China's Shaolin Temple. This special place deserves a special epic, which is what the martial arts maestro delivers in this battle between a brave brand of Chinese boxers and literally thousands of Ching troops - complete with betrayals, intrigues, and such novel fighting machines as 108 wooden robots. The conflicts grow in complexity, intensity and even suspense as monks struggle to stay alive in the face of overwhelming odds.


The complicated story involves the military conquest of a peaceful island-nation by an evil despot and his sorcerer ally. His victory leaves the island's three heroic protectors dead, but, their young children are hidden away to grow to adulthood with different identities, unaware of their heritage, in hope that, in time, they might challenge and defeat the evil ruler. The charming Polly Kuan stars as one of these children who has been adopted by the conquerer himself, initially as an insult to the defeated hero, later as his protégé.


A most touching and consistently heart-gripping war drama depicts the heroic deeds of General Chang Tsu-chung who was even held in high esteem and dubbed as “Mars of China” by his Japanese counterpart, General Itagaki during Sino-Japanese war.


The famous story of the Shaolin Temple's betrayal by the White-Browed Hermit, and the subsequent revenge by Shaolin firebrand Fang Shih-yu, is the stuff of legend. It has been filmed many times by many directors, but few are remembered as fondly as this production. The potent combination of director Chang Cheh and international idol Alexander Fu Sheng caught lightning in a lens.


Chiang plays a righteous character who helps an unjustly imprisoned swordsman accused of stealing. Together they break out of prison and serve notice to all the evil men in their lives that a new deadly duo is in town.


Kung Fu idol, John Chang, stars as an escort and Kung Fu master. He meets his match when he comes up against a masked raider who wants his loot.


In The Fantastic Magic Baby, director Chang Cheh weaves a wild and woolly yarn about how the legendary Monkey King and Goddess of Mercy battle and defeat the child god Hung Hai-erh then point him down the road to righteousness.


A young man (Bruce Li) unwittingly gets wrapped up in a money scam. When he refuses to give the cash back, the bad guys kidnap his girlfriend and hold her hostage in the Tower Of Death. Once there, he is given two options. Watch his girlfriend get thrown off the top or fight various martial artists on 7 different levels to win his girlfriend back.


Chan Biu (Tsai Hung) is a crook who decides to rob from his own business. Smugglers, via a boat, smuggle in some items (concealed in a bag), he robs the recipient before agreeing with his collaborators to split up and share the loot at a derelict town.

Hu Te et al. escape the burning Shaolin temple after the Qing soldiers destroyed it in Shaolin Temple. The group of 5 decide to develop secret codes to identify fellow patriots, enlist those patriots and eventually meet up again to escape to the south away from the Qings, and also identify the traitor who sold out Shaolin temple. Ma Fu Yi (the traitor, played by Wang Lung Wei), joins the Qing top fighters to eliminate the rebels but is exposed by Ma Chao-Tsing who gets captured by Ma Fu Yi. Hu meets up with a group of Shaolin men secretly posing as bandits to rescue Ma as their leader is killed in the process, thus the bandits join the rest of the Shaolin patriots.


The Empress Dowager flees when the allied forces descend upon the capital. During an attack by bandits, her jewels are lost in the mountains. Ten years later, a local villager finds the treasure. When news of the found jewels spreads, a group of bandits descends upon the town hoping to find the treasure, but first they’ll have to deal with the villager’s daughter, Tigress (Pei-Pei Cheng), who is quite dangerous due to her amazing fighting skills.


Chaozhou police constable Chiang and his wife are brutally killed by five escaped convicts whom he brought to justice three years ago. Their daughter Feng (Lu Hsiao Hui) is lucky to escape, and she sets out to avenge the murder of her parents. With the aid of martial arts expert Chuan (famous action star Philip Ko), Feng tracks down the thugs one by one and kills them with her "8-Step Successive Killing Kicks" kung fu.


Rare was the film in 1973 that incorporated the star's name in the title. One of the few such films was Screaming Ninja, aka Wang Yu, King of Boxing. The story is set in China in the early 1900x. Essentially playing an extension of himself, action-star Wang-Yu spends much of the time defending himself against evil martial-arts masters. He also tries to make sense of a tragic incident in his past.


A sort of re-telling of Kurosawa’s “Seven Samurai”. This time the protagonists are a group of Chinese villagers who must band together to recruit outside help to defend themselves against marauding Japanese pirates demanding protection money. Set in year 1556, it’s supposedly based on true events occurring during the twilight of the Ming Dynasty.


Flight Man takes place in Taiwan in 1933, when the country was under Japanese occupation after the First Sino-Japanese War. The Taiwanese people have signed a petition to have the Japanese establish a Taiwan council, but instead this merely provokes the Japanese police to hunt down and round up everyone who signed the petition.


This film is set during the Japanese occupation of China circa WWII. In it, the Japanese occupiers (and the Chinese Quislings who work for them) are portrayed as total monsters who kill children and rape all women. The heroes are resistance fighters who oppose the occupation.


Kon Loong, a rickshaw boy, learns kung-fu from master Auyang Tin-Kin, for three years of practice. Kon Loong is recognized as the best among all the students. One day, when the master is out for a journey, another fighting association sends a challenge to the school, and Kon Loong accepts it. He goes with four other brothers, but they are badly defeated by their opponents, who hired the help of a Japanese karate fighter. When the master returns, he will have to save the school's honour, in a duel against the two other schools.


Part of Golden Horse's 100 Greatest Chinese-Language Films.

Tien Lung, the best fighter at the Ching Te martial arts school, gets into a fight with the Hook Gang, part of a local opium-dealing and prostitution ring run by a man named Chao, and easily defeats them. The beaten Hook gang members return to Chao, who is so infuriated that he goes to the Ching Te dojo and challenges Tien's master, Hang Tui, to a fight. Hang Tui quickly defeats Chao, leaving him even more humiliated. Chao plans his revenge by hiring a group of mercenary martial artists from Shanghai; two karate experts and their teacher, a Judo master, a Taekwondo expert, two Thai boxing fighters, a Yoga expert, and two mystic Tibetan lamas. With this group, Chao easily destroys the Ching Te school and all of their businesses, leaving everyone dead except for Tien Lung who loses his right arm. Tien Lung vows revenge and begins his training to destroy anyone and everyone who stands in his way.


A swordplay flick that takes on a ghostly feeling later on the film.


Tsu Hong Wu is a highly fictionalized fantasy retelling of the early years of Zhu Yuanzhang’s life that was obviously geared toward younger audiences. The tale actually begins in Heaven, where the various gods are busy paving the way for a new emperor. The very basic facts of Zhu Yuanzhang’s life are ostensibly correct, but it takes a rather unexpected turn into traditional giant monster territory, with a Taoist priest summoning a gigantic red-haired ogre (amusingly referred to as ‘superman’ in the subtitles) to destroy our heroes, who are in turn rescued when a golden dragon (the animal manifestation of one of the deities from earlier in the film) rises from the ocean to do battle with said ogre

The setting is the underground lair of Devil's Gate, home to the ruthless and extremely powerful King Hades Yen (O Yau Man). Yen instructs the '7 Monsters Of Poison' to find Lo Tien Hung who apparently has a secret Jade Pendant. This Jade Pendant bears markings as to the whereabouts of a manuscript which yields great powers to the person who manages to get hold of it. The 'Monsters 7' have 10 days to find Lo Tien Hung or face the wrath of Yen...


A swordsman and swordswoman fight to protect Lady Liu who is trying to return to power. She's traveling in a coffin, the heroes can only hope they all aren't sent home in one.