Tsubasa Nakagawa

Set in the near future, Rina (Kyoko Yoshine) lives a wandering life and she meets Ema (Shinobu Terajima). Ema becomes a mentor for Rina and Rina begins to work for Ema. Her job is called body works, which is to plasticize dead bodies for people who lost loved ones. Meanwhile, Ema’s younger brother Amane (Masaki Okada) develops technology that is finally able to achieve immortality. Rina becomes the first recipient of the technology. She can now live forever, while having a 30-year-old appearance, but ...

In a fading village in the Japanese countryside, the school is about to be closed, which weighs heavily on the students. Freshly arrived from Tokyo with his father after an acrimonious divorce, the shy Akira escapes into drawing and agrees to participate in a mural project to mark the end of the institution.

Masashi (Kazunari Ninomiya) is a photographer. He has his parents and an older brother Yukihiro (Satoshi Tsumabuki). Through the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, Masashi begins to take staged photos of his family.

Struggling manga author Satoru Fujinuma is beset by his fear to express himself. However, he has a supernatural ability of being forced to prevent deaths and catastrophes by being sent back in time before the incident occurred, repeating time until the accident is prevented. One day, he gets involved in an accident that has him framed as a murderer. Desperate to save the victim, he sends himself back in time only to find himself as a grade-schooler one month before fellow classmate Kayo Hinazuki went missing. Satoru now embarks on a new quest: to save Kayo and solve the mystery behind her disappearance.


Washiya Town, Akita Prefecture, whose rice production is the main industry. It is a town with beautiful rice fields, but due to the declining birthrate, aging population, and declining population, the only middle school in the town has been closed for the current fiscal year. In September, the rice fields shine golden. Akira Nakajima who transferred to Tokyo with his father who made a U-turn from Tokyo witnesses a mysterious light in the sky. Following the light, a crop circle is formed in Hideo Sato's rice field, and Akira meets a beautiful girl, Maki, who lies there. The mystery circle, which no one knows yet, was supposed to be the secret of only two people ... Akira is forced to become an adult and Maki refuses to become an adult. The turmoil around the crop circles involves each other's family, friends, schools and towns, revealing their true intentions. What are the fate of Akira and Maki who run after the light? What is Hideo's choice for the future as a rice farmer?
