Tugo Štiglic

When a mysterious Frenchman appears in their small village, two gangs of sixth graders are reluctantly united to help find a buried treasure. Can they manage to keep the strife between them at a minimum and locate the booty?


Twin brothers make a plan on how to survive the holidays.


NATO prepares a global plan as a protection of Central Europe, which is why they set up an aerial defense system in Slovenia named as The Patriot. International terrorist organization attempts to destroy it together with the nuclear power plant. An ex-criminal who's in charge of The Patriot, tries to prevent this catastrophe and also stop the internal enemies.


Three years later, Tomaz meets Milena in Ljubljana where she practices dancing. In order to spend more time with her, Tomaz enrolls at the dance club where he finds many new friends. As the club is faced with close-down, the members decide to save it by setting up a dance show for the urban elite.


Young Tomaž has many problems. Not only is he quite lonely, but he also has to leave his hometown and move to the city with his family because of his father's new job. In these difficult times, his only help is his computer Vedi. Even disputes between local gangs can not solve any problems, at least not until both gangs get a common enemy - motorcyclists who steal shells.


In 18th century Slovenia ruled by the Habsburg dynasty, a troop of soldiers are ordered to prevent the Shrovetide carnival by force and two youngsters are killed in the fight that ensue.


When the planes bombed a Slovene town, a Slovene boy and a German girl set on a journey towards the valley, in which there is no war. On their way a black American pilot, who jumped of a shoot-down plane, joins them. Although American planes have killed the boy's parents, he accepts the pilot with enthusiasm. The children communicate with him in German and the valley of peace seems like the last paradise place of refuge. The Slovene boy, the German girl, and the American pilot represent a symbolic triangle of peace in this adventure happening in the middle of the War of Liberation.
