Tuğrul Çetiner

The life of Osman Bey, the son of Ertugrul Gazi and the founder of the Ottoman Empire.


Naz who is a paediatrician loses her baby during pregnancy. Even though her husband wants another baby, she refuses to go through the same thing all over again. She goes to Italy for a conference and meets Ali Nejat there.


Alim works as a tailor's apprentice to Yakup for the past 15 years. Obsessive and fearful of death, he is stuck in the routine of a mundane life. He opens the store in the morning and either takes a nap or watches TV until his boss arrives. In the evenings, he goes home carpooling with Kemal from the coffeehouse. When he watches a new item on TV about the perils of cars running on LPG, he starts to check out each taxi he rides on to see whether it runs on autogas or not, each time, he marks a score. To avoid using a vehicle, he dicedes to move to a newapartment closer to work. This change he makes will be a vital turning point for Alim.


The war between Iraq and Kuwait is just about to begin. While all foreigners are leaving Iraq, Pawel, a young Polish engineer is captured by the Iraqi Secret Service. His father, a retired secret service operative goes to Iraq to attempt to rescue him not knowing that he is secretly being used as bait. Now, two Polish secret agents have been assigned by the CIA to attempt a rescue mission. The stakes are high, but are they high enough to risk the life of one of the best officers?
