Tyrus 'Tiger' Bazell

This picks right up after the events of "Stand On It!" (2020) with the lovable characters being offered $2.5 million for a single game of Texas Hold'em, which takes them to multiple locations by various means of travel to play the card turns- with absurd hilarity ensuing.

In 1986, ten-year-old Tate Millikin is uprooted from the big city and unwillingly moved to the suburbs of Kansas City, where he is forced to spend a lonely summer bearing witness to his parents’ disintegrating marriage. Tate ends up befriending his new next-door neighbors - recently retired English professor, Edward Bryant and his transgender daughter, Gossamer. Despite his father’s knee-jerk transphobia and his mother’s misplaced protectiveness, Tate forms a deep friendship with fellow misfit Gossamer, that changes his life and the lives of their families.


A picturesque family vacation to the Ozarks goes sideways when a group of bull sharks show up just in time for the big fireworks festival that the town holds every year.


When the dead body of a young co-ed is found haven been beaten and brutalized, the small town isn't ready to panic, until a second body is found. A skillful and creative serial killer is on the loose, hell bent on creating havoc and fear. It's a psychopath orchestrating his deadly game of cat and mouse, with young co-eds as the pawns, against a cop broken with his addiction to pills and booze. Written by Jodie Jones
