Ubaldo Martínez

It tells the complex relationship of Milo, a teenager, and his old protector. Adaptation of "Around the cage", work of the writer Haroldo Conti, disappeared in 1976 by Argentine dictatorship.


A sexually-repressed girl of the Buenos Aires slums slowly goes mad after marrying.


A music idol is going to manage the career of a provincial who wants to succeed in football.


The son of a businessman neglected by his father and orphaned by a mother, goes to a group of friends. A typical gang of humble neighborhood boys, led by Chirola. The history of this gang is ruled by two magical characters, El Hada de la Esperanza represented by Liliana Rodríguez Morlino and El Pombero, a typical Formosan character-legend, played by Jaime Cohen. Through these boys the life of the social classes of the time is reflected, the innocence of the boys apart from those values ​​and what children are capable of when they decide to transform things. During the story, the typical life of the province in which it was filmed, Formosa, and the daily life of the neighborhoods of the capital city that used to be a commercial port with Paraguay are highlighted.

A young man is tempted by a wealthy woman to leave his girlfriend.

A boy travels from Chaco to Buenos Aires taking with him an elephant that saved from a circus.


Some years from the life of a neighborhood tough in Buenos Aires around 1915.


The determination of a rural doctor to discover the virus that carries the stubble disease.

The three daughters of a mature marriage and their problems with the original boyfriends.

A seminarian hesitates between serving God in Africa or opting for worldly life.

Quirky but lovable priest is transferred to a new parish, and discovers that his flock all need stern talkings-to.


A vagabond receives a large fortune as an inheritance and summons his peers to decide what to do with it.


For various reasons a couple cannot consummate the marriage.

Inmates in a prison plan a massive break. When they put their plan into action, however, they find that they may have underestimated the guards and prison officials, and the situation quickly turns into a bloody gun battle. This action feature from director Enrique Carreras was the official entry for Argentina at the 1964 Berlin Film Festival.


Three young men from different social groups finish the military service and have to confront the complexities of the Argentinian reality.


With the expansion of television in Argentina people changed their customs and schedules. This is the story of a family father who refuses to change his own, but who suffers after having acquired a television set.

Alberto, a young adolescent from Buenos Aires, is going to spend his vacations at his grandmother's farm in San Rafel, Mendoza. Idyllic site witnessed the awakening of the protagonist's sexuality and the economic ruin of the family. Between adolescence and maturity, seeking love and the path of his vocation, in ruthless struggle with himself he will learn in the hardest way the meaning of life and responsibility.


In a town that relies heavily on horses, two men try to get rich by patenting and selling bags that hold the animals' body waste.


The love affair of an ex-convict with a showgirl, unleashes the jealousy of his older, wealthy and unbalanced wife. A murder plot, staged phoney suicide and other twists and turns follow.


In a train repair shop, a passion involves a woman and, years later, her daughter.


A provincial woman who arrives in the city is helped by a taxi driver to look for a criminal


Performer is murdered onnstage during a show at a vaudeville theatre.