Ugo Broussot

A musico-drama that takes place in a transvestite cabaret that wants to open up to Ramatuelle. The mayor is enthusiastic but his city council, much less. They will hire henchmen to sabotage the project.

A period piece set in 1900 and focuses on the concepts of economic materialism, Tolstoian abstract moralism, and Nietzschean hubris.


"Train de vies" crosses a series of characters who, in pairs, confess to each other their innermost desires and their most secret memories.


Summer 1890. In order to make some money to feed his family, Anton Chekhov, modest physician, wrote short stories for newspapers to sign Antosha Tchékhonté. Important characters, writer and editor, just make him aware of his talent. His situation is improving and Anton Chekhov gets the Pushkin prices and admiration of Tolstoy. But when one of his brothers died of tuberculosis, Anton saw it as a personal failure and wants to escape his fame and his love.


Three films based on Three Conversations by Russian writer and philosopher Vladimir Solovyov.The actors' 'exercises' develop into a minimalistic trilogy on cinema and literature, social and spiritual life, acting in film and in real life.


The Mouse is under the table

Brother and Sister

He is young, good-looking and of Arab descent – and gets lost amongst the glamour of Paris’ international jet set.
