Uldis Norenbergs

The elderly nursing home residents for years feel worthless and troublesome. But then a crazy idea strikes them - to waive their pensions and enroll in the army as volunteers thus saving the country from financial crisis and spending excitingly the last years of their lives. The oldies are wise enough at organizing this event and now real adventures begin.


Erik live by night. He works in a nightclub, occasionally dressed up as a woman to rob rich clients. One day Erik's father arrive uninvited. A surprise visit that brings out memories of complicated childhood.


The Earth is facing great problems in the nearest future it is in the lack of sun light. Physicist Olmin is leading the project to build a special tunnel —made of elementary fractions— from the sun to the earth, in order to the earth could get much more sun energy and light. At the same time a strange flower is brought to the Earth from a dead planet.
