Ulla Johannsen

A surreal erotic fantasy about a young woman who checks into a bizarre, labyrinthine hotel.


The motel has a special room designed for sexual activities. It also has a habit of photographing sex act engines and extorting the parties concerned. One day a mysterious killer with black gloves up and the situation is changing.


Hoping to overthrow his brother as ruler of the planet Metropolis, the evil Graal enlists the help of the insane Dr. Kraspin, who has invented a chemical capable of turning an ordinary person into a perfect soldier. They test this chemical on the pilot Golob, turning the unsuspecting victim into a mindless but indestructible automaton possessing superhuman strength. The people of Metropolis must somehow outwit Graal before he can create an army of these soldiers, or their planet will be destroyed.


Set in Europe during WWII, a group of American soldiers on their way to military prison are beset upon by a German artillery attack, escaping with Switzerland in their sights. Before making it any farther, they volunteer to steal a V2 warhead for the French Underground - taking them deep into the heart of German territory.


Mondo style fake documentary, revolving around the antics of comedian and voyeur Domenico.


Emanuelle hosts this peculiar sexploitation Mondo film that looks at several examples of bizarre sexual behavior.


An American journalist travels throughout the world in search of a good story by joining a modern-day harem and traveling to Venice to see what really goes on at diplomatic parties. While trying to expose a corrupt government official, Emanuelle stumbles upon a group that uses kidnapped girls to make and sell snuff films


Summer Sunday at a small beach house at the coast of Rome. Many people and stories: women's basketball team, two sports-obsessed soldiers, two men with their girlfriends and the priest with a big secret, an elderly couple with their pregnant granddaughter, and engagemented couple wanting to have sex for the first time.


Three sexy and comic episodes.


Tina is on trial for the murder of her lover, Gino. The violent nature of their relationship, revealed in the trial, seems to make obvious that she accidentally killed him during a fight. The lone female jury member compares her life to Tina's and, believing her to be innocent, sets out on her own to find a missing witness that can prove Tina's innocence.


Against the wishes of her Aunt Valeria, attractive Milena travels to Milan in order to secretly marry Marco Giraldi. Three years later, Milena returns to her hometown Fermo, where her husband's shoe business is in financial difficulties. Shortly afterwards, she is abducted, a valuable painting is stolen and Aunt Valeriais murdered. Two young villains, who carried out the dirty work, are then killed...


A young woman with psychic powers is obsessed with having a child. Even though she is unable to conceive, her desire to do so creates a supernatural force determined to fulfill her wishes


Taking place almost entirely during a murder trial, the film details in significant detail the deep roots sunk by organised crime into the business and political life of Sicily.


This fast-moving tale revolves around the kidnaping of a boxer's daughter. The boxer pays the ransom money but the girl is still not released. Her boyfriend decides to get her back his own way.


Rosario Trapanese is determined to show he is not the typical old-fashion Sicilian. When his firm sends him to Denmark, a more sexual liberated nation than Italy, he immediately adopts the Danish "free-sexual-taboo" way of life. He meets and married Karen and succeeded to come back in Italy. Once here, he discovers Karen did a porn movie and his determination on being open minded is over. The typical Sicilian jealousy drives him crazy. Anyway, after a while, Rosario understands that what his wife did before to meet him it has not to be an issue for him. Karen confesses Rosario she signed a contract for a second movie and she could refuse only by paying a fine. The couple doesn't have enough money so they need to find a solution. And what a solution!
