Ulrike Schirm

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Dennis is a new inmate. Mike is an older black inmate. Together the two face hostile prison officals and inmates in their attempts to become a loving couple.


On her way home from school, primary school pupil Biggi decides to treat herself to a bag of surprise goodies. However, the bag contains a great deal more than the sweeties she had bargained for: in it she finds an ear that can hear people.


The trans-star Lola is very pleased when the sh and young Turk Hasim visits her dressing room. Hasim wants to get to know the famous artist.


Berlin Underground-star Ulrike S. went to the Toronto-Filmfestival and then to New York - to find out something about the film business and also about her own desires, daydreams and nightmares.


Story concerns two friends, Freya and Irmtraut and their relationships with the same man, Traugott, who finds it impossible to choose between the two women.


The outrageous and popular underground filmmaker Lothar Lambert has been called the "poor man's Fassbinder" (or Berlin's Andy Warhol) for films like Fucking City that go beyond and beneath the melodrama to the gutter side of family life. With Paso Doble, Lambert graduates from the "no budget" to the low budget commercial film. But he maintains his wacky comi-pathos in a relatively straight narrative about a middle class couple who, after managing to ruin an idyllic vacation in Spain, embark on an extravaganza of sordid love affairs. Their teenage kids watch with raised eyebrows as Mom and Pop--played by underground stars Ulrike S. and Albert Heins--poignantly grope their way back to each other.


The edgy, quirky, nearly disposable life of marginal Berliners. Four mediocre existences are on an increasingly desperate quest for love and sexual satisfaction in the urban jungle of West Berlin.

A Berlin woman in her early thirties is trying to handle her psychological problems and childhood trauma with the help of her psychiatrist. She is ashamed and overwhelmed by her masochistic sex fantasies.
