Unni Bernhoft

A meta-film about a film and the common man in our own political reality. A reality that is just scenes of a film without any cinematic development, but which might be plain reality tomorrow.


In suburbia Solbråten has some residents received bildilla. The otherwise wayward husbands forget their obligations for both work and home. There is also a great contest in having more cars in their recovery than neighboring upswing.


A group of very different men are summoned for their refresher training at Haglemoen military camp. One more strange than the other, we get to meet jovial salesman Goggen Rask, car mechanic Bottolph Johansen, nicknamed daydreamer, and ship-owner Rieber Larsen Jr. They form an unruly faction which Major Kampstrup struggles to maintain structured and prepared, not to mention keeping them inside the camp premises before they pretend sick to see the nurses Bitten and Florence. The men do their best to get through their rigourous training, with great confusion and comical situations.


The film is about suburban families, trying to be perfect housewives, and their theories in what is the right way of treating and accepting husbands and kids.


The story takes place on Hurlumhei skiing hotel, where the porter Poppe, unforgettably played by Leif Juster, is experiencing one complication after the other with a rich cast of characters. Fjols til Fjells ("Fools in the mountains") is a movie about white phones, disguised Piccolos, charming actors and alcoholic businessmen.


The main character Dag falls in love with his young French language teacher. It becomes a complicated love story when Dag's class mate Karin is also fancying Dag...
