Uno Henning

"A dream play" - This made-for-television film constituted Bergman’s first production of Strindberg’s A Dream Play – a play he would revisit three times more. Gunnar Ollén’s Malmö crew was behind this, for its time, prestigious and costly theatre production, involving more than 40 actors and no less than 75 extras.


An elderly gentleman lives alone with his maid Louise. He spends his days chatting with the confectioner who lives and works downstairs, playing chess with his brother Karl Fredrick, and content with his memories. His young wife Gerda ran out on him five years ago, taking their young daughter with her. Now, unbeknownst to the gentleman, she’s back… and living in the upstairs apartment with the child and her new husband. When Gerda finally faces the man, sparks will fly and old wounds will be reopened. Bergman's TV adaptation of August Strindberg's play "Storm" was presented on the 111th anniversary of the author's birth. The production was also shown in Denmark and Norway and received glowing reviews. Bergman was celebrated as an outstanding TV director and was praised for his tact and sympathy in depicting old age, his superior lighting and fine camera work as well as his understanding of the medium in his use of close-ups.


1813. The Swedish army is fighting in the War of the Sixth Coalition. The popular general Von Döbeln is arrested for sending the army against the French in breach of orders by the crown prince. At the court martial he is sentenced to death but is pardoned by the king and sent to prison instead. A group of conspirators are planning to set him free and make him their leader in a coup d'etat.


John Smith is an accountant at a stockbroking firm, where the firm ends up in the liquidity crisis because of his managerial speculation with the firm's money. The bank wants John to take over leadership of the company.


The Beckius family is living near the border to Russia. The youngest son, Armas, is living a wild life that eventually leads to a break with the family after which he joins the Russian Revolution. When he returns to his home country a few years later the family on the enemy's side.


Sonja is a spoiled young lady who thinks she can get anything for money. She is living a life in luxury. One day she meets a lawyer who is a public prosecutor. They fall in love.

André is a young attorney who has opened his own office in Paris without any success. One day he finds a will in an old book in an antique shop that reveals a hidden treasure at the castle Brignolles. The first 100% talkie film in Swedish film history.

Flashback story of an escape from the lonely, high-security Dartmoor Prison. A jealous barber's assistant is enraged by the attentions that his manicurist girlfriend pays to a customer. He threatens the customer with an open razor and lands in jail.


After a chance meeting at a train station, Henry and Stascha, unhappy with their circumstances, are determined to leave and be together.


In the Crimea, the Reds and the Whites aren't done fighting, and Jeanne discovers that the man she loves is a Bolshevik (when he kills her father). Penniless, she returns to Paris where she works for her uncle. Soon after, her lover Andreas is in France to organize the sailors in Toulon. So also is a thief, traitor, and libertine, Khalibiev, who wants to seduce Jeanne. His schemes, Jeanne and Andreas's naivete, and a lost diamond bring the lovers to the brink of tragedy.


"Marriage" - Paul Rosenkrans is a Captain of the Swedish Navy and has been married to his Signe for six years. They are still as in love as if they were newly engaged. But when Paul's leave is over for this time, Signe meets an old good friend, the plucky suffragette Annie Behrman, chairman of "Women's Political Freedom Party". Annie has written a book about the woman's slavery in marriage and begins to process Signe with her ideas that soon makes Signe see her marriage in a whole new light.

It's the beginning of the 1800s. A feud between the people of Ödemo and Rävgården has been going on since the dawn of time and now it's worse than ever.


The farmer Knut Husaby has a daughter, Aslaug, who is the most beautiful girl in the village. Many boys are after her, but Knut and his two sons drive them away, if they come too close to the farm. Aslaug is secretly in love with Tore Naesset. But he is only a smallholder's son, and when he asks for Aslaug's hand, her father just laughs at him. Instead her father wants Aslaug to marry Ola Thormundson, a gawky boy, who is the son of the wealthiest farmer in the village. Aslaug brings her family's cattle to the Husaby summer farm up in the mountain. Only one road leads to the summer farm, and it passes right by the main farm. When Tore returns from a visit to Aslaug in the mountains, Knut and his sons beat him black and blue. As it's impossible for him to use the road anymore, Tore has to figure out another way to go to Aslaug. Next Saturday he crosses the fiord in a rowing-boat. He stops at a fifty meter high wall of rock, and starts climbing it, hoping to reach Aslaug at the top.
