Usmar Ismail

Glenn and Carlo are writing a book in Bali. Glenn has been married twice and both weddings were in Balinese tradition. He has also learnt Balinese magic. The duo quarrel when Carlo gets jealous of Glenn getting too close with his wife. Carlo then asks his wife to go back to Europe with him, but she chooses to stay, as she is worried, knowing that Glenn has made a deal with his guru, that if one of them dies, the other will follow. One day, when Glenn is performs a mystical ritual at Karangasem, Carlo shows up again. His wife tells him that Glenn’s guru has died and asks him not to tell Glenn about it. But Carlo chooses to tell him anyway.


Irma a.k.a Ananda must struggle through the obstacle of her life for which she might or might not earns something better for her life.

Partoyo, a big-time businessman, abandons his family because of work. A sociopolitical snapshot of Jakarta in the changing governance.

Anwar returns to his village and actively preaches about going on the holy pilgrimage. Kyai Anwar sees him as a rival and calls Anwar a fake clerk and won’t allow his daughter, Rokayah, to have a relationship with Anwar. His hidden agenda is his fear about losing his broker business that holds most of the villager’s money, planning to go on the pilgrimage. This challenge is faced and solved by Anwar.

On the trail to catch the killer of his brother, Achmad easily defeats a bandit who challenges him. This impresses Citra, a child, who since then follows Achmad wherever he goes. When they come to a village threatened by robbers, Achmad stops and tries to solve the problem. One of the tough guys of the village, Wirya, notices Achmad and is impressed by him and Achmad’s religious devotion. He becomes friends with Achmad and asks him to agree to his condition not to bother Aisah, a village girl, who is actually in love with Achmad. Then the robbers launch a major attack, which Achmad repels. From the defeated chief, Achmad finds out that Wirya is the killer of his brother. Wirya admits killing Achmad’s brother, for committing crime and adultery.

Djoni is a promoter who likes to scam artists by being very persuasive. He is trusted to arrange a performance that is meant as a fundraising gala. Top singers such as Rachmat Kartolo and Titiek Puspa become the stars of the show. Djoni displays his skills, so that even when he cheats, he manages to improvise and arrange the show. They depart for Bandung by borrowing a bus and on the road, there are arguments, jealousy and suspicion amongst the group. The film shows the ups and downs of the life behind the stage. Inspite of everything, the performance is a success.

After hearing the mandate of independence leader and Indonesia’s first president, Sukarno, Suromo an author, finds an art form to express the people’s hardship. Together with Rutaf, a failed painter and Kadjiman, a film director, these artists meet a combatant who works at the National Trade Bank. Interested in the arts, he helps to promote their activities.

During the revolution, Japan is defeated but has yet to surrender so a 14-year-old boy insists on joining the army, to avenge his father, who is incarcerated in Nusa Kambangan for murder. His actions are brave yet extreme in every way. Recognising this, the commander promotes the boy to section head, even though all his men are older than he is. He takes the most dangerous missions and as a result, one of his men dies. The late man’s girlfriend then volunteers, and is also killed, after being just as reckless as the boy.

The title “Hurricane and Storm”, is seemingly a translation from Sturm und Drang, a psychological term for puberty or a transition period for an individual's mental state. Kaslan is a conservative and honest bank clerk, while his wife, Miah, is more liberal in terms of discipline. Kaslan is strict with his daughters, Wati and Tina. It makes Wahab afraid to approach the girl of his dream, Wati, since Kaslan always escorts her wherever she goes. Wahab is also jealous by Wati's favourite English teacher and he tries to hang himself when she falls in love with a singer. When the singer rejects Wati, she returns to Wahab. Tina reveals all to her father but before he can scold her, she leaves the house, and returns home only much later. But mother explains about the puberty that Wati is going through. In turn, Wahab also learns to understand Kaslan's reason for his strictness. Then they both graduate from high school.

A 1962 Indonesian-Malay language comedy/drama film written and directed by Usmar Ismail, starring Latifah Omar, Rendra Karno and Nurbani Jusuf.

Follows a young woman who is kidnapped by a group of bandits, only to fall in love with their leader.

A rich man (Rendra Karno) comes to the Gelanggang Dagang to woo the pretty sales promotion girl (Baby Huwae). She already has a journalist boyfriend (Bambang Irawan), and when a female journalist/photographer (Rima Melati) comes onto the scene, the love triangle becomes a four-way street. The “humour” comes from the comedy trio of Bing Slamet, Mansyur Syah, and Ateng.

Devoted to the heroes who fought for their homeland’s freedom in the 1947 Indonesian war of liberation.


This is the heroic story of Mochamad Toha, who successfully blew up a Dutch ammunition depot in Bandung and ruined their defences. Set in Bandung at the time of transition, between the departing Japanese and the incoming Dutch (who are supported by the British), Indonesians had to fight for their independence. Toha emerged as a leader of the common people, who saw injustice and oppression, and who sacrificed himself by blowing up the ammunition depot.

The title was taken from a popular Minang folk-song by Gumarang Orchestra, conducted by Asbon. This film was not released.

An Indonesian musical that comedically depicts of complex coming of age problems within a girl’s dormitory, lead by Mrs. Siti.


Arman’s father denies his request for a toy gun, but his mother allows it. With that toy gun, Arman forms a squad called “Berani Mati” or “Ready to Die” with his friends, Hamdan and others. The security in the neighborhood is threatened by the mischief of Bang Hamid, and Arman and his squad, successfully prevent a burglary by him. The residents are proud to have such brave boys in the neighborhood.

Suro becomes obsessed with Ujung as a tool to take power over the village. His ambition stumbles when his daughter, Marni, falls in love with Kasan, an ordinary peasant from the same village.

Armansyah Perkasa Alam, a rising movie and radio star, receives a lot of fan letters that he uses to indulge his playboy behaviour. His friend, Trisno, keeps cautioning him to no avail. Armansyah begins to juggle too many appointments with too many girls. Finally, all eight girls that he is trying to seduce realise his trick and they all leave Armansyah.

The film tells a story about a family with six children. The father is often angry with everyone except the eldest child (Mieke Wijaya). Then the family situation deteriorates further when mother falls ill and is hospitalized. Finally, problems are solved thanks to the calmness and charm of the third sibling (Indriati Iskak).

Set during the period after the war of independence when many rogue gangs try to control different areas,

Three sisters—Nunung (Chitra Dewi), Nana (Mieke Wijaya) and Nenny (Indriati Iskak)—are being raised by their grandmother (Fifi Young) in Jakarta after their mother's death. Though the sisters' father Sukandar (Hassan Sanusi (id)) lives with them, he is too involved in his own work to pay them heed. While the sisters are out with Nana's boyfriend Herman (Bambang Irawan), their grandmother tells Sukandar than she will not live to see Nunung, already aged 29, marry. He agrees to invite his colleagues to the house. When they come several days later, Nunung impresses all present with her piano-playing and singing. However, the men are all too old, and Nunung's grandmother insists that Sukandar find a younger man. Nenny, overhearing the conversation, suggests that they hold a party; this too is a failure, as Nunung takes no interest in the festivities.


An impending visit from a VIP causes chaos and confusion in the small, isolated village of Sukaslamet. Things take a hilarious turn when the herbal medicine seller is mistaken for the exalted guest and is accorded a ceremonial welcome in the most elaborate Javanese style.


Husin bin Said (Udjang) suddenly got the inspiration to become a shaman. He put up a nameplate. So in droves of people came asking for help: people who intend to become cultural attaches, members of parliament, wives of officials whose husbands are dating again, producers, aspiring film stars, etc. For some reason, film producer Henry Bross (S. Bono) and aspiring film star Mimi (Diana Subroto) have succeeded in making Husin try their best to help carry out their intention. This story is also the main pillar of the film, besides being an opportunity for the director to mock the world of film. Moreover, then came Husin's friend, Pedro (Rd. Ismail), an old and unused performer who still had illusions about his triumph as an actor. Husin's house is next door to the family of Jaka Prawira-Mariam (R. Sukarno, Tina Melinda). To this house came their in-laws, RA Berlian (Edifah Hanoem), a controlling noble.

A hero of revolution returns to civilian life to find the new society very different from the ideals he fought for.


Lost film directed by Usmar Ismail.

During the time of the confrontation, a group of young men led by Harun broke through the barricades of the Dutch navy patrol and landed at Mentawai Island. Their special mission is to detain Kafedo who is accused of collaborating with the enemy. Both men are romantically involved with Hiya. When the Dutch troops land on the island, Kafedo bravely demonstrates his love for the nation. So in the end, Harun allows Kafedo to marry Hiya.

Iskandar is a talented clarinet player who trains under an old musician named Sobari. He also has moral support from his girlfriend. But when he becomes successful, he forgets about Sobari, his friends and his girlfriend. Only when his career crumbles does Iskandar remember again his girlfriend and friends.

After the revolutionary war, Leman is asked by Barjo to join him in collecting donations from businessmen. Some donate while others do not. But Leman gets into a fight with one particular man who refuses to donate and kills him.

An unexpected encounter between an estranged father with his former family that he had left for another woman.

Depicting the celebrated recapture of the town of Yogyakarta from Dutch forces in March 1949, by Indonesian youth of the resistance and members of the Indonesian army. Although it was held only for a few hours, it resulted in a UN resolution calling on the Dutch to leave.


It tells the story of an Indonesian revolutionary who falls in love with one of his Dutch prisoners.


Abdulkadir is a scrooge. He works as a loan shark. His daughter, Suliati, is going steady with Ahmad. But Abdulkadir resents his daughter's lover due to his poverty. Instead, he pairs off Suliati with the wealthy Abdulrachman. Meanwhile, Abdulkadir is dating Rohana, his own son, Ramelan's girlfriend. Finally, it is revealed that Ahmad is actually Abdulrachman's son. In the end, Ahmad gets to marry Suliati.

The arrogant young man, Harsono debauches Suryani and leaves her for the city. Harsono's brother, Sutopo takes responsibility by marrying the girl who he is actually in love with. In the city, Harsono is drawn to the floozy Sandra. When he realizes his mistake, he takes it out on Sandra. Sandra's death, however, is caused by a heart attack, and not by his actions. Harsono goes back to his village. Sutopo tries to reconcile Suryani with Harsono when he returns. But Suryani chooses to stay with her husband, Sutopo.