Valentin Pluchek

September evening, an unusual ark house, resembling a ship in shape, for its owner, the gray-haired old man, captain Châtover, sailed the whole life through the seas. A strange house where people behave differently. Young beauty sisters reign in this house, beckoning true gentlemen, as the light of a lamp beckons moths. This house fences its inhabitants from the outside world. Talk about the meaning of life, home entertainment, hopeless novels. And a premonition of trouble: at the same time, clouds of the First World were gathering over the good old England ...

Theatrical movie based on an ordinary life of an average soviet family


The servant of Count Almaviva, the jolly and joker Figaro, is going to marry the maid of the Countess Rosina - Susanne. But the count wants to upset the wedding and make the girl his lover.
