Valentina Klyagina

The tragic story of a Russian family forced to make life and death decisions during the Stalinist purges.


The plot of the film is based on real events of the Great Patriotic War. When the Nazis occupied Crimea, the actors of the drama theater of the city of Simferopol entered the underground group Sokol. The activities of the underground members were diverse: they put up leaflets with information from Soviet Information Bureau, compiled maps showing the strategic objects of the enemy, and supplied the partisans with medicines. On April 10, 1944, 3 days before the liberation of Simferopol, the underground members died from enemy bullets — they were shot on the outskirts of the city.


A graduate of the village school Pyotr Gorokhov from the village of Dyadkovo comes to Moscow to enter a prestigious economic university; he succeeds, albeit literally by a miracle. However, Petya was always helped out by chance and mysticism. Compared to other students (mostly Muscovites and residents of other big cities), this guy from the province stands out sharply — both in manners, in reprimand, and in behavior. Accustomed to defend their principles to the end of Gorokhov was called Balamut (Troublemaker). Nevertheless, in the student community, he quickly mastered and became a leader. Everything would be fine, but he has two problems — unrequited love for the dark-skinned beauty from Cuba and English...


Peter the Great takes a Russian man of African heritage - Ibrahim Petrovich Hannibal - under his wing as the tsar builds his grand navy. After having a disastrous affair in France, Ibrahim vows to never fall in love again, until he sees the daughter of a wealthy boyar. Peter the Great insists the two be married, but Ibrahim goes against the tsar's wishes, refusing to force her to marry him since she doesn't consent. When another man tries to marry her, however, Ibrahim's loyalties and generous nature are put to the test.
