Valentina Panina

Do you know what goes on in the head of someone who walks past you?

The year is 1817. Minon, a five-year-old girl, leaves her aunt Therese of Brunswick, who has raised her like a mother since her birth, to go and live with her parents, the Count and Countess von Stakelberg. One day, Gabrielle, her housekeeper, who is no longer in her right mind, reveals that her real father is the composer Ludwig van Beethoven. Twenty years later, still intrigued by this confession, Minon decides to unravel the mystery of her origins. She returns to the place of her early childhood, hoping to find the truth with her aunt, who was for years the faithful friend of the great composer.


A prominent Russian ballet dancer and teacher Alexander Shiryaev had another talent hidden for almost a century. Archive materials that date back to 1906 reveal his bold experiments at stop-motion and paper animation.

The young scientist has everything - an apartment, a car, a position in the scientific community, but his soul is as if immersed in hibernation. And only the death of his mother and a meeting with his matured daughter, who had her first and unrequited love, awaken his soul, which has fallen into lethargy.


A story about the creation of T-34 tank in Soviet Union during WWII.


Mycroft Holmes hands Sherlock Holmes the case of the Master Blackmailer.
