Valentina Shendrikova

После нескольких лет счастливой семейной жизни жена изменила мужу. Для мужчины это - настоящая трагедия. Перед ним встают вопросы: как жить дальше? Простить измену ли нет? Можно ли продолжать любить после предательства? Тяжелые переживания приводят к тому, что у мужа появляется навязчивая идея - убить любимую. Мужчине даже приходится обратиться к психиатру...


Scientist creates a machine that is able to clone human beings. Soon the Government wants to take hold of it for military purposes.


A mystical drama based on a story by V. Korotkevich. The film is set in out-of-the-way Belarusian woodlands at the end of the 19th century. A young ethnographer, Andrej Bielarecki, comes here to research local folk legends…


King Lear, old and tired, divides his kingdom among his daughters, giving great importance to their protestations of love for him. When Cordelia, youngest and most honest, refuses to idly flatter the old man in return for favor, he banishes her and turns for support to his remaining daughters. But Goneril and Regan have no love for him and instead plot to take all his power from him. In a parallel, Lear's loyal courtier Gloucester favors his illegitimate son Edmund after being told lies about his faithful son Edgar. Madness and tragedy befall both ill-starred fathers.
