Valentina Titova

After her father dies Vera is forced to become a president of his company and continue the business.


The waiter of the seaside restaurant decides to become an honest man. He stops short-counting visitors, refuses to take a tip, trying to shame his own leadership. The results do not take long to wait — a respected member of society becomes an outcast, the Director of the restaurant expels him from work, and his wife from home…


The events of the film take place in a resort area South of the seaside city, beautiful and alien. The heroine of the film - girls orphanage for children with a sick spine, physical energy of the characters looking out in painfully cruel scheme of mutual relations. And finds cruel and unfair to the weaker......


Based on the novel of the same name by Lazar Karelin. The former director of a large deli Pavel Shorokhov, having returned from prison and not received the expected reception from his wife, who forbade him to see his son, temporarily settles with Kotov, the owner of the lists of participants in the unaccounted goods movement system. Kotov, who is near death, transfers lists to Shorokhov and thereby puts him at risk from former accomplices. But Shorokhov breaks the pledge circle...


Vikings attack Kuksja's village, and end up bringing him along on their ship because they believe he is good luck. After proving himself in a battle against the dreaded Danes, chief Torir bestows upon him the name of Einar and takes him in as his son. Back home in Norway the men are received as heros, but new trouble arises when Kuksja falls in love with the beautiful Signy, who is already betroth to the vicious Sigurd.


The film is based on the popular science-fiction novel “Professor Dowell’s Head” by Russian writer Alexander Belyaev. For many years, a prominent scientist had been striving to solve the problem of immortality. He shared the results of his daring and risky experiments with his colleagues. But one day something happened that no one could have foreseen: the professor had disappeared. The best student and follower of Professor Dowell tries to use the results of his scientific research for criminal purposes. It looks like he is going to succeed…


Kir Lopukhov and Alyosha Mamykin are classmates who have just received a certificate of maturity. The war began and the guys, without hesitation, also act together in the same artillery special school. They are given just three days to visit the front, for which there is so much to be done! Say goodbye to your Sokolniki. Find classmates. And Kira - by all means learn about the fate of her beloved girl Olya. True, she was evacuated, but according to rumors, she returned to the capital to go to university.


Not young bus driver goes to the next trip. In this trip he recalls his childhood during WW2. But there is another danger people among passengers of the bus.


Polosa vezeniya (literally) 'Streak of Luck' is the fifth film in a Mosfilm "youth" anthology series and comprises three short stories. The first story, 'Vizit' (The Visit) directed by film maker turned politician Yevgeni Gerasimov tells the story of a rural boy visiting his former village girlfriend, now living in Moscow. Next comes a short film by Aleksandr Majorov called 'Zolotye rybki' (Goldfishes) which is based on a story of a magical goldfish brought from a provincial pet store by the late Russian historian and science-fiction and fantasy writer Kir Bulychyov. The final segment and the title of the film, 'Polosa vezeniya' (Streak of Luck) tells the story of a member of staff at a research institute who is offered the job of the department head, but has second thoughts when he discovers the previous boss was unfairly dismissed.


A young Russian girl is in love with show business and wants to leave her small town for Moscow and make it big in the big city. She encounters her long missing, remarried father and gets a boy friend who uses her and then leaves her.


During the twenty years school reunion classmates suddenly learn that one of them - Nadezhda Kruglova - is a proud mother of ten children.


According to the story of the same name by Yulian Semyonov. Employees of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department - Colonel Alexei Pavlovich Sadchikov, Major Vladislav Nikolaevich Kostenko and Senior Lieutenant Valentin Roslyakov are investigating the impudent robberies carried out by a group wearing dark glasses criminals. The City Savings Bank was robbed. The investigation of the crime indicated the involvement of a teenager, who soon came to the criminal investigation himself. With his help, the robbers who were preparing the next raid were caught. But the most dangerous criminal — "Prokhor" — is still free...


A commander of the Russian space police begins looking for the capitalist space pirates who have been wreaking intergalactic havoc upon the surrounding planets.


A literary teacher Antonina Sergeevna goes to work at an elite physical and mathematical lyceum from a regular school. She is surprised to see how respectful the students are here - as to full-fledged creative personalities. Soon she begins an affair with a young school principal - a talented physicist, candidate of science. But the euphoria of the first months of communication with students is replaced by disappointment - her pets turn out to be cold, rational people, almost indifferent to the beautiful ...


В 1944 году из Рижского художественного музея при отступлении нацистов была похищена картина Энгра "Рафаэль и Форнарина". Прошли годы. Во время международного ралли один из автогонщиков обнаружил полотно в дверце автомобиля. Он подумал, что картину контрабандой перевозил его старший напарник-штурман, но тот убедил парня, что полотно им подложили, чтобы они не могли попасть в олимпийскую сборную. Он не поверил, но и сдать картину начальнику пробега не решился. Происходят и другие загадочные события. А за ними уже следили. Самое важное - выйти на тех, кто должен забрать украденное произведение искусства...


A film adaptation of the novel of the same name by Leo Tolstoy. The main character of the film is Prince Stepan Kasatsky, an officer, an ardent, proud young man — a big fan of the tsar. Kasatsky is going to marry, but at the last moment he learns from the bride that she was the mistress of the emperor. The prince is deeply disappointed in social life, he takes a monastic vow and leaves the capital. Faith in God was to save the soul, but passions and worldly temptations don't leave Kasatsky.


A satirical comedy of three novellas ("What an a impudence!", "By the laws of hospitality", "One hundred grams for bravery"), united by the common theme of drunkenness and alcoholism: the first one about an exemplary citizen who met an avid drunkard on the way to work, the second one about an incident at a party that occurred through the fault of alcohol, and the third one about a shy man before the first date decides to drink "hundred grams" for courage.


Masterfully done re-telling of Bulgakov's brilliant play (itself a version of the novel, "White Guard"), "Days of the Turbins".


Based on the novel of the same name by Vera Panova. Twenties of the XX century. The country lived in the mainstream of the “peaceful” revolution — a young life was raging, not knowing fatigue and compromises. Shura Sevastyanov is a beginner in a small newspaper, with two classes of a parish school. Following the spirit of building communism — an ardent fighter against philistinism in any of its manifestations. Having two loyal companions — Zoya the big and Zoya the little — a principled and unyielding Shura at one fine moment realized that he was in love with his "ideological adversary" — Zoya Bolshaya — beautiful and self-absorbed, dreaming of a completely different life than he was.


Five sad and funny romantic stories about love...


Beginning of WWII. Zinaida, a Russian woman, is taken prisoner by the Germans and sent to Auschwitz concentration camp together with several other women. She is imprisoned with her baby son, Gena, who is learning to walk and takes his first steps in the snow, in the concentration camp. They spend a few years together in the camp until they are separated, first within Auschwitz itself, then, for good, when the Germans are losing the war and decide to evacuate.


An adventures of a 100% nylon "fur" coat traveling between various people.


Robert and Freda Caplan are entertaining guests at their country retreat. A chance remark by one of the guests ignites a series of devastating revelations, revealing a hitherto undiscovered tangle of clandestine relationships and dark secrets, the disclosures of which have tragic consequences...


crime drama


Satirical comedy based on the notebooks and short stories by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov: "Romance with Double-Bass","On the Harmful Effects of Tobacco", "Misery", "Grateful", "Polinka", "The Cynic", "The Ninny".


A story about a young man who's leading sometimes funny sometimes sad life in the village.


In an underground secret facility on a North Pacific Ocean island, Bailey schemes to get rich by creating a shortage of air in the atmosphere.


This film is war parabola with expressive visual style. This not typical point of view about the war for Soviet cinema.


Short story "Metel" from volume "Povesti Belkina".
