Valérie Boisgel

August in Brittany at a seaside hotel. Some guests are new, some come every year and are friends. The men nearing middle age fish and plan infidelities; their wives have surprises of their own in store. Teens fall in and out of love. Kids not yet teens have their own parties and friendships. In 11 months, most but not all will be back.


Gerard Casanova is the man that all the rich and beautiful women call when they need a little more then the husbands to give them. He's always on call to satisfy their every sexual urge.


An atmospheric dark tale directed by Guy Maria (1973).


Count Gabriel de Lachaune is a wealthy and hedonistic hotelier. Never short of ideas, he organizes an erotic rally between five libertine couples. Those who justify the greatest number of sexual relations will take as a first prize one million gold francs in the form of a winged phallus and the following will gain in compensation a free stay in the palace of the count.


After a disappointment in love, Alain tells his mistress how he gradually sank into libertinage: from his beginnings with a teacher in art history, then with a supermarket saleswoman, until his discovery libertine parties.


Four friends from Paris are living misadventures of all sorts in Spain when their group of travelers is forced to split due to a travel scam.


A car salesman journeys to France and encounters an apparently lonely woman. He immediately begins to successfully woo her only to learn that she is actually a baron's wife. Fortunately, the baron believes in open marriages and winds up hiring the Englishman to teach his son (from an earlier marriage) everything about automobiles. Meanwhile the car salesman finds himself falling seriously in love with the wife. The baron really doesn't mind as he himself is involved with another.


Frédéric Lansac, an artist and botanist, has a wild affair with party girl Moira, but throws her over when he meets the lovely Anne. Frédéric and Anne marry, but tragedy strikes when Moira shows up at the wedding party and makes a scene, causing Anne to fall into a bonfire. Frédéric and Anne lock themselves up in his mansion with his servants, a pair of mute dwarves. Anne, needless to say, becomes bitter and demanding. Frédéric tells everyone Anne has died, then on the sly, hires a nurse to look after her.


Soon after her latest husband death, the King himself (Louis XIV) meets with our heroine and begs her to help convince the Persian Ambassador to agree to a treaty. However, what they didn't realize was that the handsome Persian was in fact a sexual sadist. So, it is up to the King's half- brother, some Hungarian prince, to save Angélique from the evil troll's clutches.


An American private-eye, arrives in Alphaville, a futuristic city on another planet which is ruled by an evil scientist named Von Braun, who has outlawed love and self-expression.
