Valery Afanasiev

Tank commander Kalashnikov is severely injured in battle in 1941. The accident leaves him incapacitated and unable to return to the front line. While recovering in the hospital he begins creating the initial sketches of what will become one of the world’s most legendary weapons. A self-taught inventor, Mikhail Kalashnikov, is only 29 when he develops the now iconic assault riffle — the AK-47.


An ordinary working class boy, like all his peers, he played football day and night and dreamed of being a striker. But no matter which team he played for - in the yard, at the factory, or in the army - he was inevitably put in goal.


Victor Barinov at the personal request of the Russian President will go to Sochi at the world championship for professional chefs and to prove that he and his team are the best in the world! The hard struggle for the title of winner of Operations will help "dark horse" - his own son Ivan, which he suddenly found out on the eve of the championship.


A story about the life of Sergey Pavlovich Korolyov, the lead Soviet rocket engineer and spacecraft designer.

The employees of the famous Russian "Claude Monet" restaurant are forced to move their business to Paris.


Romance, in Russian language

The film is dedicated to the first steps of mankind on the path of space exploration and direct the fate of the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. The main motif - the fight for the right to be first: the competition in the first cosmonaut, competition in missile technology, the confrontation of superpowers - the USSR and the USA. In the first group of astronauts were selected from three thousand fighter pilots across the country. In twenty of the legendary got the best of the best. Which of them will fly first, no one knew. In this way, had to contend not only with the pull of the earth ...


Once in his life, retired intelligence officer and respectable family man Nikolai Nikitin decided to go "left" ... What was his shock when in the girl he was offered in a brothel, he recognized ... his own granddaughter Varya, whom the pimps do not want to let go of their clutches. What to do? Run! Hiding from persecution, the heroes go straight from the brothel to Paris. If only I knew ... If only it were all!

Major Baranov, a professional with a difficult character, for excessive zeal suspended from service and toiling on small jobs. Suddenly, he was offered to participate in the operation to expose a dangerous criminal who escaped from prison. And all would be well, but in the case is too many pitfalls: the major will have to go to a small town, get a teacher in kindergarten, and even conduct an investigation under the leadership of a woman…

In the spring of 1982, as Brezhnev’s power is waning, Yuri Andropov decides to tackle corruption and apathy in the Soviet Union.


Mirror Wars: Reflection One is a post-cold-war thriller from the Russian point of view. Bad-guy British arms dealer Murdock (Malcolm McDowell) and numerous mercenaries and clandestine agents tries to steal a new Russian stealth fighter. Murdock is foiled by the hero, a patriotic Russian fighter-jet pilot who was recently branded a potential traitor because of his romantic fling with an alleged American ecologist. She was actually a shadowy intelligence operative before her untimely assassination in her lover's arms.


Сюжет этого авантюрно - приключенческого фильма закручен вокруг банковского чека на 5 миллионов долларов. Его стремятся заполучить во что бы то ни стало и крутые мафиози, и милиция, и даже... трое подростков - юный русский богатырь Илья, казахский компьютерный вундеркинд Акежан и девочка Соня. Акежану нужна срочная дорогостоящая операция, поэтому ребята и решились на это опасное и рискованное дело.


Day of the Full Moon, a series of vignettes from Russia past and present, summons the spirit of Ophuls’ La Ronde, Altman’s Nashville and Short Cuts, and the time-shifting strategies of Resnais (Mon Oncle d’Amérique) to tell provocative, connected stories illustrating the waltz of years and whim of memory. In 1948, a young man, a boy, and a waiter are captivated during the full moon by a mysterious woman in a lilac dress. The effects of this event ripple across the years, washing over more than 80 characters, including a disc jockey, a fairy princess, a gangster, Alexander Pushkin, and a nostalgic dog. But which of these are dreams, and which reality? Director Shakhnazarov continues his career-long focus on the intersection of past and present with this mysterious, exhilarating mosaic of humankind, which in the end both seduces and satisfies.


Police is investigating a series of explosions in Moscow subway.


In a provincial town, a dangerous maniac appears, hunting women. On his account already several victims. The police, alarmed by the panic in the city, understand that it is necessary to act somehow. And the innocent people were captured, one of them is already waiting for the execution. Investigator Ignatov leads this case. He has to deal with lawlessness and arbitrariness of the investigating authorities, because of the mistakes of which the innocent were convicted, and the real criminal was never found.


All Costs Paid is a Soviet TV miniseries produced by Studio Ekran. The director Aleksei Saltykov well known for his film The Chairman with Mikhail Ulyanov, an acclaimed Russian actor playing a main character. All Costs Paid is one of the first Soviet feature films that shows the war in Afghanistan. Film has unusually truthful point of view on that period of Soviet Era and on the Soviet war in Afghanistan.


A young sailor suddenly gets involved into a spy game between KGB and CIA.


Psychologist Petrov and sociologist Burtsev are invited by Basov, the director of a factory, to study the basic problem of production.


Two old friends living in Moscow and St. Petersburg are hoping to get their children married.


The heroes of the film are students of a pedagogical university, those who, after a year or two, have to carry knowledge to schoolchildren, "to sow the rational, good, eternal." In the meantime, student practice. True, the practice is not quite ordinary, because for the first time students leave far from the walls of their own university, for the first time they meet with students in the classroom not in the presence of their teachers, those with whom life encounters them daily at the institute, but with those who have been working for more than a year at school.
