Vanessa Lóes

In 13 episodes, the series of fiction "Family Issues" portrays the life of Peter, a family court judge that you will find that there is a very common routine. He has a troubled past - his mother still abandoned child - and still carries family problems as his brother's fight to get rid of drugs and hospitalization of the father who is dying. While Peter faces its own family dilemmas, see passing before him in the courtroom, complex family dilemmas: ex-spouses who strive for material goods or custody, children rejected and unrecognized and other surrounding cases. Intoxicated by a need to do justice, Peter develops out of court and investigative dark side that puts you at risk.


Based on the novel's trilogy of the same name, by Erico Verissimo, Time and the Wind follows 150 years of family Terra Cambará and their opponent Amaral family. The history of struggles between the two families begins in the missions and runs until the end of the 19th century. The film also features the period of formation of the State of Rio Grande do Sul and the dispute of territory between the Portuguese and Spanish crowns


Ana is a promising tennis player with a collection of titles and trophies to flaunt. She finds out she is pregnant by her loving boyfriend Rodrigo. Her controlling mother, Eva, forces her to break up with Rodrigo and compels her to stay out of town until the baby is born. Eva’s biggest concern is that she doesn’t lose any of her sponsorship deals. Later, Ana returns home and is eager to resume her athletic career, raise her baby Julia, and tell Rodrigo the truth. 137 episodes, Brazil, 2011-2012


"In the 1970s, Brazil - and much of the rest of Latin America - was ruled by military dictatorships. O amigo Dunor (the friend from the North) is not only set during these 'years of lead', it looks as if the film comes directly from that, as if the cans of film have only recently been found in someone's cellar. ... Marcel, a young French writer, comes to Brazil to fulfill his childhood dream: to get to know exotic Brazil, go to the Amazon and write a book about his experiences. After his arrival in Rio de Janeiro, he quickly makes friends with a group of people working on a crime thriller. Stan is the director of this film, his wife Carla and her daughter Melissa act in it. Julio, an Argentine refugee, is the scriptwriter. This film in the film is about the blind Louis and the handicapped Marta, a married couple with many problems in their relationship and with money … inter-cut with the world of Marcel and his new friends..” - IFFR

Suave Veneno is a Brazilian telenovela produced and aired on TV Globo in January 18 to September 18, 1999, in time from 21 hours, a total of 209 chapters. It was written by Aguinaldo Silva with help of Angela Carneiro, Maria Helena Nascimento, Felipe Miguez, Fernando Rebello and Marilia Garcia. The telenovela was directed by Marcos Schechtman, Alexandre Avancini and Moacyr Goes with the general direction of Ricardo Waddington, Marcos Schechtman and core Ricardo Waddington and Daniel Filho. It was played by TV Globo International in 2007 with a total of 140 chapters. There were 130 episodes of the version shown on Portuguese television. Featured José Wilker, Glória Pires, Irene Ravache, Letícia Spiller, Patrícia França, Ângelo Antônio, Luana Piovani, Tarcísio Filho, Vanessa Lóes, Nívea Maria, Betty Faria and Rodrigo Santoro in lead roles in the plot.


Malhação is a Brazilian television series for the teenage audience. The soap started in 1995, and was set in a fictional Gym Club called Malhação on Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro. Through the years the location varied slightly. Although the name of the soap remains the same, it is now set in the Múltipla Escolha High School.
