Vasilis Bisbikis

The lives of different people and also different worlds are entangled. Of the night and the margin on the one hand, of the day and the legal order on the other. The two worlds will come together to clash to the death. As everyone's secrets are revealed and losses pile up on both sides, a great love will be born from the ashes and people will discover who the world around them really is as well as themselves. Because beneath the cruelty and hypocrisy, the fate of all of us is common.


When Jonny visits his father Nikitas in his cabin in the woods after 20 years, the hermit ignores him. But to prevent the muddy ground from being pulled out from under their feet for reasons of profit, father and son must dig deep into it...


In a small town in Greece, when amorous passion meets with greed money, dead bodies start pilling up and "Sleeping Beauty" Olga will never know the horrors she has been spared of.


A veal has to be slaughtered by a butcher. But this veal is different than the others. It’s his 'child'. Based on a chapter of Giorgos Skambardonis book 'Everything Works Fine Against Us'.

The arrival of children, as seen through the stories of four different couples, just when a pregnancy comes along and conflicts with their lives. A marital crisis becomes a family tragedy; a mad man's gun forces a young couple to reconsider a premature pregnancy; a long struggle of in-vitro fertilizations brings together and forces apart two sterile women who have shared the same man; and a young Iraqi immigrant, all alone in her apartment, is forced to give birth to her child with the help of her Greek stalker and next door neighbor. The stories unfold within a day and collide in a violent and fatal incident.
