Vasja Kovačić

Two neighbors quarrel through the hole in the wall which connects their bedrooms.


The town of Split in the 1930s during Italian occupation. A boy torn between kid's games and sexual awakening finds more about the latter at the nearby whorehouse who works non-stop.


An architect returns from Ampurias in Spain. There is a friend of his, an investigating officer waiting for him at the airport. He spends some days in Split and suddenly takes his own life. His friend finds a audio tape he left in his apartment. He listens to the architect's story and slowly he begins to think like a suicide...


During WW2, a young student of medicine comes to the big city to discover the secret of death, and stays at a motel that turns out to be a brothel. He is asked from Ustasha officer to perform experiments of resurrecting the dead, while the Fascist authorities look for a female communist hiding in the city.
