Velko Kanev

The film tells the story of two neighbors in a small Bulgarian village and their two sons. Their families live poorly. The ways they earn their daily bread are quite unusual. The film gives a humorous, yet accurate diagnosis of present-day Bulgaria.


At the airport, Slavi tells his life's story to a young customs officer. As children, Nelly promises Slavi to marry him. The two teenagers are passionately in love with each other but after some time Nelly falls in love with another guy. Slavi takes up drinking and gets into trouble with the Bulgarian militia (police) because of his family background. This is when he decides to defect to the West. After staying at a refugee camp in Austria and another desperate love, he sets out to the United States. There Slavi makes some new friends who help him buy a truck. He hits the roads of America, where he comes across an Indian who sells him an arrow. The vender tells him this amulet will bring his love back. Eventually, Slavi comes back to Bulgaria, where communism has collapsed. His beloved Nelly lives alone with her daughter. One day Slavi meets her again...


In the 17th century, a Bulgarian Christian region is selected by the Ottoman rulers to serve as an example of conversion to Islam. A Janissary who was kidnapped from the village as a boy is sent to force the reluctant inhabitants to convert. The Turkish governor seeks a peaceful solution, but ultimately torture, violence, and rebellion break out.


A silly prince wants to marry a beautiful peasant girl. His guards kidnap her, but the girl escapes and returns to her beloved. Meanwhile, a UFO lands in the kingdom and the aliens witness nuisances, court intrigues, and lies. They are not allowed to meddle in other people's affairs, but they still influence the happy ending.


A middle-aged man makes every effort to provide for more or less decent life for his family. He is a driver who carries vegetables and fruits. He spends reasonable to save for his family and especially for his kid. Everything is all right until the day when the boy finds out that the part of the money have been made in indecent way. This revelation provokes a serious conflict in the family and the boy deserts his home. The man makes an attempt to put an end to his shady deals, but it turns out to be impossible. His 'employers' display exorbitant aggressiveness.


Three colleagues and devoted friends – Danton, Petar and Andrey – share an office, and not only, on the fifth floor of a socialist industrial research institute from the mid-eighties. Every morning when they come to work they lock the door of the office and, armed with binoculars and great interest, they begin watching the aerobics exercises of a young girl in the nearby building. Suddenly, their tranquil daily round is disturbed - a new director takes over the Institute and decides to develop close scientific partnerships with similar institutes in Japan.


Mitko does not like civilization. While buying materials for the renovation of the old family house, he unexpectedly buys a horse and cart. His family and friends disapprove of the sudden appearance of a horse in his house.

The local community of a provincial town is shaken by a bank robbery. A funny inspector is sent to investigate the case.


The story of St. Cyrilus (Constantine The Philosopher) in his quest of enlightening the Slavic people.


The misfortunes of a couple of guys who form a music group and think they can get rich and famous easy.


Bizarre events happen in an isolated village.


The intricate relations between an Artist, an Actress and a Poet are seen against the background of one of the most dramatic events in the recent history of Bulgaria: uprising, which broke out in 1923.


Phillip is married to Rositza but has a kid from Marta. Rositza adopts the kid, but she could not keep neither it nor her husband. Phillip takes the kid and moves to the attic where Marta lives. Rositza comes to pick up the kid, since she wants to take care of it. In the quarrel for the kid, get involved the proprietor of the attic Venera and her nephew Svetlozar. Soon everyone starts to unravel his or her own live experiences. The kid does not make a noise in the other room just to show that everyone has forgotten about him. No one from the characters has seen his or her faults. In order for them to avoid their vulnerability, they have a behavior style, which is not part of their human nature. They have lost their essence.


1950s, Bulgaria. A man has been killed in a quiet little village.


There were times when stealing girls in these lands has been a worthy vocation, was a habit and a sort of custom in Bulgaria. Only the strongest and most experienced men took the profession up. A young and brave Bulgarian highlander was given the job to bring, no matter how, a certain beautiful girl to be married to somebody.


The film belongs to the 'migration cycle' in the Bulgarian cinema. It is about the drama of a group of women who have been left alone in their 'female kingdom' - a village deserted by its entire men folk.


In a small provincial town, an young local artist exhibits his works. One of the paintings, depicting a fairy dance of naked women, provoke the people which discover similarities with a certain lady from the neighbourhood.


A small town is dealing with drought.


In a provincial town comes Elena -young actress. Soon she meets Ivan, who is the same age as her and who works at the construction site. In order to be a part of her world he agrees to pay as stand-in for a movie in which she has a small role. During the premiere, the actor gets all the fame and the stand-in stay unnoticed.


A young partisan faces the moral questions of the Revolution
